Author: senseiken

  • Work in progress…

    Work in progress…

    Work in progress 🙂 OK… I have to head off to my Dojo, but I wanted to take a moment and let you see a touch of what I have been working on here. So go take a look at this image and let me know what you think. That’s the Aiko character, using some…

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  • More bullets…

    More bullets…

    :: waves :: So life is doing well, we have some plans in place and it looks like we are making some of the right moves. I am gonna just splat this stuff into a bullet list, so enjoy it 🙂 The new figure from Daz is just awesome! I am working her into some…

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    This essay was so brilliant I had to put it here. It is perfect advice to many men face with “sort of slaves” in and out of the BDSM world but it is damn funny. BTW – some people I know might read this and say “hey! that’s me, why is he holding up for…

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  • Good day… cool stuff…

    Good day… cool stuff…

    So, where to start and what to say… oh who am I kidding. It will be a terse one. We moved Flagg back into the house that the company is using for an office, he will be sharing space with Tatsumi. While I am sure both of them would rather have a place all their…

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  • A happy little list of links…

    A happy little list of links…

    A short entry – just some things that might amuse you… A really bad idea of who to play truth or dare with… A movie I really think I want to see… A really bad person to have following you around the ‘net… A good person to meet in a dark ally… A good page…

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  • General angst… private horror!

    General angst… private horror!

    Hey all! Some folks have been asking how it’s going – and it is stressful but so far no major nightmares. We currently have approximately 4 weeks of money available to us, and we have two projects we are seeking funding for. The first is a gothic horror/mystery exploration game, as only our very own…

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  • Thoughs and empires…

    Thoughs and empires…

    A fast update on life… Well, disaster has been narrowly averted. In a miracle of 42nd street proportions an previous investor in dotPublishing has graciously lend us some enough money to keep the doors open for a while. This has significantly increased our chance for survival. The "Tiem to Live" clock has been reset at…

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  • Blogs and courts and bad ‘old school’ web design…

    Blogs and courts and bad ‘old school’ web design…

    A few fast thoughts before I go to the Dojo… A BDSM event called "3D Days" has put up it’s informational site. The event itself is certainly looking like it might be worthwhile if you’re planning to be in Nashville. The real reason I bring it up is this… the site si a perfect example…

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  • Ooooo, I’m an Angel…

    Ooooo, I’m an Angel…

    The lead story today is that we sent out our first "Angel" investor email. We are using a lingerie like image to allude to a successful ‘angel’ campaign by a famous company. We are obviously hoping for a response… just about any response. Go ahead and follow the MORE link if there is one to…

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