Author: senseiken

  • Castles and Taxis

    Castles and Taxis

    I got a chance to watch an episode of Taxi tonight. It has been a long time since I got a chance to see one all the way through. it was episode 25 by many lists and here is the synopsis… 25 – Louie and the Nice Girl Zena, who refills the vending machines at…

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  • Boxen and sleepen…

    Boxen and sleepen…

    Whew! What a crazy few days. I have been pretty active on a number of email lists and spending more time at the Dojo. In between we have a lot of stuff physically set up over at the office. I also made major updates to the server world here, updating the ASP.NET version to release…

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  • tin foil hats and funny elves…

    tin foil hats and funny elves…

    Hey all! I’ve been pretty busy the last few days but as I have been surfing around I have left 25 browsers open so that I can mention some of the links to you. So here you go! B-Notes is a good site for funny reviews of some pretty bad movies. Here is "Spawn of…

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  • guys and (real) dolls…

    guys and (real) dolls…

    Sleepy. Lot’s of stuff left to do on this site, but while I was looking at it I went off on a tangent… so I am trying something different. You might see it over the weekend. Try and stay with me till then. Anyway, I ditched the right side menu so that the scrolling is…

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  • Britney, sleep and Dell…

    Britney, sleep and Dell…

    A long weekend, but some really, really cool stuff happening. Some little stuff first: In case I didn’t mention it, I got my ear pierced again the day before Valentines day. My left one and that is the second ring in it. It is healing just fine. According to my software the 401st weblog entry…

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  • Too sexy for my ego…

    Too sexy for my ego…

    I had a great time Saturday, I’ll talk more about it soon on this page so you’ll know how it went. But suffice to say I am very happy with the results! Sleeping is good, so I intend to do some. Over the next week I have a few goals. Some of them are: Update…

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  • porn, science and business…

    porn, science and business…

    Another update so soon? Why yes! Life events… My friend Flagg found himself a place, that is a good thing and a bad thing. Good for him, good for Tatsumi because they both want to live on their own bad bad for me. Well, obviously not bad in any strong sense; I just like having…

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  • Super game… super coma!

    Super game… super coma!

    Wow! What a game. The Superbowl is over and I am really happy with how it turned out. I am not much of a sports guy but this is one of those things I make time for every year. Way cool! We had a meeting with ClientY over the weekend that went very well. That…

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  • a very, very short entry…

    a very, very short entry…

    Some fast items: I am still on the edge of the flu. It’s pissing me off. Either get sick or get better. I am taking my pills though so here’s hoping. I have spent the last few days back on animation in 3D as my primary issue and it feels so good to be back!…

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