Author: senseiken

  • A little drafty…

    A little drafty…

    Ok, I have to run and teach at the dojo. A new draft of the punishment essay is up, that is it’s new mostly permanent home, please give that link out if youw ant as I will be updating that version as new drafts come out.

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  • Punishment and Correction…

    Punishment and Correction…

    Punishment and Correction in the Training and Shaping of Human Tools [Draft 1]   Introduction I am fairly active inside the BDSM community, both online and off and am often a witness or participant in discussions and debates on a wide variety of topics. Often I comment on these in a  shortened form by posting…

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  • link me baby – I need what you’ve got!

    link me baby – I need what you’ve got!

    I am getting ready to have to reboot my machine (yes, I can plan it days in advance because this system simply doesn’t crash on it’s own) and I looked to see that I have 19 copies of my browser open and 22 pending email replies. So I have to clean it off. For the…

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  • this is going to get interesting… really!

    this is going to get interesting… really!

    If you notice, things have changed some. I moved to the Movable Type weblog software for a number of reasons. It isn’t that the folks at Blogger haven’t done a great job – I just needed more control. This will tide me over for the next few months while I arrange to have the in-house…

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  • sleep, coolness, anger – and ‘the box’

    sleep, coolness, anger – and ‘the box’

    sleep, coolness, anger – and ‘the box’ I love my Xbox. It is the coolest thing around game wise and Halo is keeping me up late at nights. There is so much thought that went into the details of what seems like a basically mindless run-and-gun game I am constantly amazed. Cute quote: "two roads…

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  • bullet time…

    bullet time…

    If you ever wondered what my fantasies look like? Go here and see them. Sadly, this almost makes me want to try diving down a flight of stairs. These people have the right idea. I don’t know if they are any good at what they do but they rock the house for style points. I…

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  • I’m sick – so sue me

    I’m sick – so sue me

    I’m sick – so sue me *cough* I am alive, but ill. I didn’t go to the Dojo last night … and I rarely miss. I did update my wish list though in case anyone is feeling just horrified trying to find me the perfect gift. Night!

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  • I’m back – that really, really was cool

    I’m back – that really, really was cool

    The Britney concert rocked. Totally. Maybe I am a tool… OK, I know I am a tool of the media but I think the show was really good. Let’s take moment to address the question everyone is thinking… Q: Did Britney lip-sync her songs?A: I don’t know, I never got as high as her mouth…

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  • so – what’s been happening?

    so – what’s been happening?

    so – what’s been happening? I wanted to take a moment and let you all know that things are doing just fine here. Heres a short selection, I am way to tired to link it all. I almost went to the Britney concert at the local arena, but at the last minute reason prevailed I…

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