Author: senseiken

  • In other web news, the

    In other web news, the




    In other web news, the weblog I love to poke fun at – Feminist Media Watch turns out not to have all that much traffic. Interestingly, it looks like feminist grrrls have decent computers, with the vast majority of ’em running IE5.0 or better at relatively high resolutions.

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  • An interesting note: According to

    An interesting note: According to




    An interesting note: According to some reports, Everquest is making a bunch of money… though maybe not as much as we thought it was. Lets look it over, 170,000 active subscribers at 10$/mo is $1,700,000 per month in revenue, offset by an estimated $500,000 in server costs. That leaves us with $1,200,000 or 1.2 million…

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  • I missed the morning update….

    I missed the morning update….




    I missed the morning update…. so sue me. Spend the day down at the gym and having dinner with my parents. That being done I killed a few hours surfing aimlessly on the web. The Portal of Evil is always a good place to start. The rest of tonight is to be spent getting some…

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  • Well, I’m home … and

    Well, I’m home … and




    Well, I’m home … and I am going to sleep… more info in the morning.

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  • Well, I woke up for

    Well, I woke up for




    Well, I woke up for a bit…. tried to work, went into the Dominion chat room (#dominion on undernet), then promptly fell asleep again. Sheesh – my sleep deficit must be huge! Anyway, we are going to be meeting Flagg out at Hellfire for a few hours… so if you happen to be in NYC…

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  • Night :)

    Night ๐Ÿ™‚




    Ack. Another all nighter. Got a lot of good work done on this site and some of our other projects. There is a brand new page in stimuli, the table of contents (toc). I went with Kimiko to see Gone in 60 seconds.. I liked the flick a lot and it seems to be getting…

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  • Ok, a few quickies before I grab some sleep…

    Ok, a few quickies before I grab some sleep…




    Ok, a few quickies before I grab some sleep… You might want to look at The Estate to find out more about my life. Yes, I am going to see about getting myself and others to update it soon. Obviously, much of my life is spend with the amazing ladies on Girl2. They just updated…

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  • After an all-nighter it’s alive!

    After an all-nighter it’s alive!




    After an all-nighter it’s alive! I know, there isn’t very much here yet (the white menu options are active) but now that I have the weblog running I can use that to keep you all informed of what is happening here and there around the site. The content should start comming fairly quickly now and…

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  • Lots of design changes going

    Lots of design changes going




    Lots of design changes going on here… in fact, it will probably be months before this even gets out to you… I was going to delete these first few posts but I like the idea of having post #1 here…

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