Author: senseiken

  • You knew it had to happen, Apple goes to Intel…

    You knew it had to happen, Apple goes to Intel…




      Intel Inside! According to this announcement by Apple they are moving from the IBM PowerPC to the Intel line of processors. This is a major change in the industry and will bring Apple into direct conflict with Microsoft. This has been planned for a while… “Mr. Jobs said Apple has been working on a…

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  • At the shop…

    At the shop…




    0604051813.jpg Originally uploaded by Soulhuntre. 0604051812.jpg Originally uploaded by Soulhuntre.

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  • Punishment! What are you stupid?

    Punishment! What are you stupid?




    Recently a mailing list has been discussing punishment. The usual arguments have come up and the usual “you don’t need to punish adults” and “if you need to punish your submissive then maybe you should get a smarter one” silliness. However ignoring those there is usually still some discussion worth having with the few people…

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  • don’t let logic keep you down!

    don’t let logic keep you down!




    6 pack! "Observe that the philosophical system based on the axiom of the primacy of existence (i.e., on recognizing the absolutism of reality) led to the recognition of man’s identity and rights. But the philosophical systems based on the primacy of consciousness (i.e., on the seemingly megalomaniacal notion that nature is whatever man wants it…

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  • Learning .NET – resources and video

    Learning .NET – resources and video




    I am working hard on brushing up my Visual Studio skills, here are some links that look like they will help, including some amazing video! Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions- Absolute Beginner’s Video Series to Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions ASP.NET – Learn ASP.NET ASP.NET Home- Table of Contents- GridView Examples for ASP.NET 2.0 Visual…

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  • Damaged goth chickies…

    Damaged goth chickies…




    The internet is an amusing place. Where once damaged teen agers who happened to be cute could just make life hell for their town (and no doubt delight the local population of boys / girls at times ) now they have the whole world to try and get attention from. Enter the gothic profile sites.…

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  • Let’s get random!

    Let’s get random!




    A recent discussion about random number generation on Slashdot (this sort of thing is why I still read the place) led me to the super cool Hotbits site. You can request some random data generated by a neat little home built radiation decay generator. They even have the source available for a program that tries…

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  • Revolution man! Revolution!

    Revolution man! Revolution!




    Man, they are SO CUTE. Like little barking dogs. "The Free Soil Party is actively fomenting a feminist revolution. Male rule is a disaster on every front. Every doctrine, procedure, hierarchy is suspect, subject to revision, derision, or abolition. Every problem political reality makes seem inevitable is a problem feminists know how to resolve. The…

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  • Boy germs!

    Boy germs!




    Insanity! women arguing over whether it is politically acceptable to fuck men, and whether your lesbianism must be politically motivated to be valid… if you believe that you might have been "born lesbian" then you have betrayed women and embraced your patriarchal masters! Of course the reality is that none of them have the urge…

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