Author: senseiken

  • …knitting a quilt with my toenails…

    …knitting a quilt with my toenails…




    Ah, nothing like a good story blog. Enter the world of The Bartender Journals. “I noticed that it looked like he was sewing something. He has several lengths of string and patches of cloth he was patching together with a neetle that looked like it was made out of a toenail clipping. “If your not…

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  • On a dare, she raised her skirt…

    On a dare, she raised her skirt…




    So hot… it hurts… That my friends is “Kari Sweets”. She is one of the hottest web models around. Something about the body, freckles and willingness to exploit them just does it for me. Ok, and the little outfit helps ๐Ÿ™‚ You can see more of her on PopAngel, as well as a lot of…

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  • Linux, starting to slide?

    Linux, starting to slide?




    I’m not the first to say it – but it bears repeating. The quality of the core Linux OS has gone down, way down of late. Coupled with a radical change of development policy and Linux is at best now a fragmented train wreck and at worst has [[e2:jumped the shark]] though it will be…

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  • Link dump! Get em while they are cool!

    Link dump! Get em while they are cool!




    Cool technology PeerCast P2P Radio Robosapien™ V2 – Bigger, Smarter and more fun – OnRobo – Home Robot News and Reviews WebCams – random webcams from around the ‘net HISTORY OF ROBOTS IN THE VICTORIAN ERA Gaming Anarchy Online – free account give away! – yup, play free till 01/01/06! Artificial Studios Forums – powered…

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  • Massive Role Play – and this time I don’t mean BDSM

    Massive Role Play – and this time I don’t mean BDSM




    From “Wish” Some links of interest to those who develop / enjoy [[wp:MMOG]] games. Developer lookback on the MMORPGs of 2004, Part One- Richard Garriott Developer lookback on the MMORPGs of 2004, Part Two- Walter Yarbrough Developer lookback on the MMORPGs of 2004, Part Three- Damion Schubert Developer lookback on the MMORPGs of 2004, Part…

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  • You’ve heard it all when…

    You’ve heard it all when…




    You see this online. “I’m not enough of a “natural Dominant” to handle that Buttload of Angst.”

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  • God, now I’ll be listening to Morrissey all freakin’ week…

    God, now I’ll be listening to Morrissey all freakin’ week…




    There is a fairly amusing thread happening at Metafilter on the topic of a “study” that found women are less likely to get married the smarter they get. The study itself seems like crap, but the thread is an anumsing male/female mud wrestle. The best comment so far: “Which just goes to show you that…

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  • Some links for the tech geeks among us….

    Some links for the tech geeks among us….




     A debate on SQL and the value of stored procedures…. Don’t use stored procedures yet- Must be suffering from NIHS (Not Invented Here Syndrome) Last post on the topic — at least for now! Coding Horror- Who needs Stored Procedures, anyways- Move away from stored procedures or not- Stored procedures are bad, m’kay- Some links…

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  • The new year….

    The new year….




    I had a pretty good New Years Eve. Unfortunately Kimiko was still is so she coudl not be with us but Tatsumi and I did get to catch up some and spend some time together, and we spoke with Kimiko by phone at the appropriate stroke of the hour. Welcome one and all to 2005,…

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