Author: senseiken

  • Every now and then, I get CMS…

    Every now and then, I get CMS…




    Those of you who know me know I have been working on a content management system (CMS) for something like my whole life. This is more than just [[e2:mental masturbation]] as the CMS is the tool that defines the types and quality of the sites I can put together. I am a creature of information,…

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  • Anita break!

    Anita break!




    Some of you might be aware that I am a big fan of the works of Laurell K. Hamilton. In particular the “Anita Blake” series is pretty cool. Vampires, Werewolves, Changelings and all manner of other beasties seem to inhabit a nice little alternate universe. Far and away the most useful thing about it all…

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  • from the “ignoring the obvious” department…

    from the “ignoring the obvious” department…




    More complicated than you think… Here we are a bit over a full week after the election and I am still amused as all hell. My guy won, the idiot lost and as a result my nation is busily doing what we need to do to secure our security for the next century. Speaking of…

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  • The results are in (sort of)…

    The results are in (sort of)…




    The earliest ‘final’ election results that I could find come from New Hampshire communities of Hart’s Location and Dixville Notch. Every registered voter in both communities has voted. Kerry is up 3 votes over where Gore was. Bush Kerry Nader 35 21 1

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  • Osama gets it, Kerry doesn’t…

    Osama gets it, Kerry doesn’t…




    “President Bush now represents a symbol of defiance against the terrorists and it is a fact, that all the enemies of America, with the terrorists foremost, are hoping for him to be deposed in the upcoming elections” –  quote in context (more below the fold) If our enemies don’t want George Bush then I do…

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  • Thoughts on the bin Laden tape…

    Thoughts on the bin Laden tape…




    “You fear us. You fear George Bush. You fear his resolve. You fear him so much you will try anything to get rid of him. Fuck you.”- me, later in this post I thought I would comment briefly on the Osama bin Laden Kerry campaign commercial. I posted the transcript already.

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  • Fuck this guy.

    Fuck this guy.




    Monday 01 November 2004, 16:01 Makka Time, 13:01 GMT Following is the full English transcript of Usama bin Ladin’s speech in a videotape sent to Aljazeera. In the interests of authenticity, the content of the transcript, which appeared as subtitles at the foot of the screen, has been left unedited. (source: Al Jazeera)

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  • Osama Moore-Kerry

    Osama Moore-Kerry




    John Kerry, Michael Moore, Osama bin Laden – can you tell them apart? See if you can match the quote to the person. The fact that you really can’t be sure tells you all you need to know. Go tomorrow, vote for George W. Bush. Do the right thing.

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  • Fun with the shell…




    Ok… so I had to delete a lot of spam from one of our Linix servers. I needed to… get a list of active subject lines count unique subject lines / words sort that list in descending order So here is the first part… ./qmHandle -l | grep Subject | sort | uniq -c |…

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