Author: senseiken

  • Jay and Silent Osama…

    Jay and Silent Osama…




    Ok, I don’t have time to go deeply into the video tape that has been turned up from Osama where he basically threatens to fuck us up if we don’t kiss his ass (and if we dare elect Bush”. Of course, he also quotes that silly little Moore film (F9/11). Anyway, the real story (aside…

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  • The explosive failure of the Kerry spin machine…

    The explosive failure of the Kerry spin machine…




    Lots to cover… so lets make it fast. Here is a quick wrap up on those “missing” explosives that Kerry spent so much time trying to turn into a problem or a scandal. I don’t have time to link to sources for each conclusion here… follow the links after the list and you’ll get all…

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  • Read along with Soulhuntre…

    Read along with Soulhuntre…




    Several folks have asked me what blogs I use to keep up with the current situation and events, here’s the “reading list” I keep open and refresh a few times a day. They are roughly sorted, but not in order of “importance”.

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  • Bush ahead in electoral votes projected…

    Bush ahead in electoral votes projected…




    Here is the data from Electoral Vote as of the time of this post for future reference… you can download it in spreadsheet format from the site.

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  • UUID / GUID in native PHP…

    UUID / GUID in native PHP…




    In the course of my development efforts it has become fairly clear that I need to make use of a more cross platform and cross server identifier for certain content objects. The common tactic of using a database column that automatically increments has fallen pretty flat for this – it is almost guaranteed to collide…

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  • It might not be true, but – well – it’s his fault anyway!

    It might not be true, but – well – it’s his fault anyway!




    All those explosives gone missing, and it’s all the personal fault of [[wp:George Bush]] – at least that’s what [[wp:John Kerry]] wants you to believe. Read this whole entry, there is a lot here to digest… “Although these bunkers were still under IAEA seal, the inspectors said the seals may be potentially ineffective because they…

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  • Screw you and your pet…

    Screw you and your pet…




    “Know a man by knowing who his enemies are” – me “The enemy of my enemy may or may not be my friend – but the friend of my enemy is definitely my enemy as well. Given who wants Kerry in, and why they want it… I think it is pretty important to thwart their…

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  • DissMIST :)

    DissMIST ๐Ÿ™‚




    Thoughts on [[wp:sadism]] follow. I am part of a discussion group and a recent topic branched off into a discussion of [[e2:sadism]] that turned kind of, well, stupid. Since no discussion of the topic will be allowed on that list for the moment, I am posting my replies and thoughts here. I have had to…

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  • Submission and blood… Buffy, Faith and Dawn

    Submission and blood… Buffy, Faith and Dawn




    “If I stay here… you won’t be the one in control, Dawnie.” Faith didn’t even notice using the pet name, but Dawn did. It felt nice to hear. “You think you can just make me do whatever you want?” Faith tightened her grip on Dawn’s wrist, and curled the fingers of her other hand tightly…

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