Category: legacy
Animals and bile…
Had a nice weekend, I’ll fill you in on it tomorrow. Turns out while I was out of touch Flagg had a pretty scary moment. My thanks to his animal for taking care of him for us.
FUD all the way down…
Now you all know that /. is biased in a serious way. What is more amusing is how few of the people there who spend energy to bash Microsoft actually have the first clue what they are talking about. As someone brilliant (wait, it was me!) said… A name=9894116>Re:Sigh (Score:1) by soulhuntre (52742) on Thursday…
Moore links…
I don’t have much time at the moment, here are some Moore links I haven’t put up yet (I think)… fahrenheit fact- Fahrenheit Fact no. 35- Moore misrepresents newspaper headlines, dates fahrenheit fact- Fahrenheit Fact no. 33- The Iraq-Al Qaeda connection fahrenheit fact- Fahrenheit Fact no. 29- Watch this drive, Yassir! The Recovering Cynic
One Moore…
Frogs! I am a student of propaganda, so when I heard that a professor on the topic did an analysis of Fahrenheit /911 I was intrigued. When it turned out to be a 24 page dissection of the techniques used from the POV of an expert in the field (Kelton Rhoads) I got more interested.…
Moore thinks your stupid…
Just for fun, let’s do a little more on Moore. Sometimes people say “Why would M. Moore lie? He would know he was going to be caught!” but that’s not the case at all, remember how he feels about all of us here in the US: “Take his description of his fellow countrymen and their…
PHP, PGP, GPG and you…
Ah, encryption. I recently had to use GPG/PGP to encrypt some data to store in a database with PHP. On the way to doing that I wound up doing a small proof of concept page. The code is shown below. In essence, the steps are: Pull the clear text from the form at $_POST[‘plain’] Encrypt…
Thunderbirds are go!
Long day, but a good one. After spending a great weekend with Kimiko and Tatsumi that included seeing “The Village” (4 stars from me) I went tonight to see “Thunderbirds” (3 stars). I have to tell you, it was a better movie than I expected and a great mix of humor and camp… in short…
PearPC – Mac OSX on XP
osx in xp! This is so cool. That’s Mac OSX running on Windows XP. For real. And the software to do it is FREE! Check out the CGTalk thread. I wonder if this might help Tatsumi out with her laptop problem ๐