Category: legacy
Ok… do any of you…
Posess a valid student ID? There is a totally awesome item of software out there, it is normally 9,000$ but they offer it to students for $179. If any of you have a valid student ID you might want to [[let me know]] so I can fill you in on the details and on a…
No wonder the eat that Moore stuff up…
Well, there was some more amusement on the mailing lists today. As I waited to solve a client problem (seriously bad stuff) I had time to catch up. Here was another post. I am going to remove the words and ID of the user who forwarded the email to the list, but the quotations I…
How about we run our own country, hmmm?
On a mailing list I am on I wound up responding to a post about the [[wp:UN]]. It touches on something I was going to blog about so it is easier to simply post my reply. Identifying information has been stripped and I have paraphrased the quote I was responding to as I don’t have…
I live!
Hey all. A long, good weekend. The [[Girl2:girls]] and I hung out Sat and sun and generally chilled. I got a chance to start work on a small script (movie) I have been looking to get going on and move forward with other stuff in my head. Anyway, I am off to a product thing…
She won’t remember a thing…
Ok, remember this because sometime int he future it will be pretty damn funny. I called Tatsumi, discussed something important with her thinking it woudl help her sleep as she has been a bit stressed lately and she listened then said “Thank you for telling me Daddy” and went back to sleep. Either she is…
Gag me with a … umm… LJ setting
Well, while I was looking into the honestds LJ threads I noticed one about the “death thread”. I tried to reply and LJ told me I was unable to comment to this journal. I guess I have been banned. I guess “honest” DS can only exist when protected by the heavy hand of censorship. Here…
Talkin bout Soul… shut your mouth!
So I was sent a link to a LJ discussion about The Estate. Honestly I don’t pay much attention to LJ but it’s always nice to know they are thinking of you. “I’ve also come into contact with Soulhuntre before and, hands down, he’s the most condescending little prick I’ve ever met. Those are dominant…