Category: legacy
Exchange server filtering…
Archived here for my own future reference here are some links to Exchange server side filtering… Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft Exchange Server- Exchange Intelligent Message Filter Microsoft Exchange Server- Antispam Capabilities in Exchange Server 2003 Download details- Microsoft Exchange Intelligent Message Filter Management Pack Download details- Exchange Intelligent Message Filter Download details- Intelligent Message Filter Deployment…
Media bias? Say it ain’t so…
You know, the situation in [[wp:Iraq]] is not really going that badly… but you’ll never notice it from the way it is being reported in much of the media. There is a reason for that of course; because much of those people in the media are absolutely desperate for Bush to lose this election. With…
Maps ahoy!
I was checking out a thread on maps I came across some cool links… National Map Viewer USGS Geography- About The National Map Viewer Tiger Map Server Slashdot – Open Maps
I love the word “bitchslap”…
StudlyDom: I made my point, and I’ll make it a point to bitchslap you at a TES meeting if front of your cronies, and see if you have the convistion of your words. Someone threatened to beat me up! It’s so cute! So as I was working a little while ago I had a room…
Troy oh boy!
Here’s some info for you before I head out to my Dojo. I was looking for a script for the movie Troy (a seriously good film by the way) and came across these sites. Many scripts are available for download, so look ’em over and see if you can learn something! By the way, I…
Leave (Get Out)
JoJo There I am, cruising the web and blammo, a cute girl in an icon saying “watch my video“. So I did, cause I am a nice guy. The music is catchy, the moves are hot and the girl is pretty cute. Turns out it’s “JoJo” and she is making some waves. “So I research…
Blind mice…
Nothing like the smell of [[wp:socialism]] in the morning. Kos tells the story of some mice. Is your normal class warfare rant, the kind of thing that sways all those people who are so used to being told that they are being “kept down by the man” that they look for a savior. Kos says…