Category: legacy
State of grace…
Below you will find the PHP code to create a table of USA states. Very useful to have. More cool stuff available…
Back from Tatsumi and feeling good. We had a great time. Good news! I got approved for a free copy of Expression Engine from the awesome folks over at Pmachine as part of their “switch” program. it looks good so far and I may wind up moving this site to use it. If it holds…
Butterflies and bloggers…
“[[wp:Butterfly Effect]]” is the term that comes to mind. A small nudge can result in a big change. Bloggers are like that. We’ll change software on a dime if we have a reason. 6A benefited from this, and now they are getting hammered by it. As predicted there has been some clarification (read major change)…
Diggin those abs…
Next Door Kristin There are a lot of websites out there, and a lot of them suck. Some of them are good.. and some are awesome. I haven’t decided if I think Kristin is in the “good” or “awesome” category, but as you can see she has a lot going her way in the…
A Ray of Hope?
Well, that was fast. A little bird tells me that there may be some changes to the MT licensing that will alter what was announced earlier by Mena. With any luck, this may resolve some of the problem. Whether it can heal the breech between 6A and their users is another question. Best of luck…
Bye bye MT…
The world of ‘blogs was shaken up some today. Mena from Six Apart posted a comment about Movable Type’s new licensing scheme. There has been to say the least, a huge outcry. Now, I am the last person who would begrudge the folks at 6A from making a living on their software. Hell, I am…
Boobs and hangings…
The stuff you learn on [[Slashdot]]. Re:Drugs teach American kids the metric system. (Score:5, Informative) by Sirch (82595) on Friday May 14, @13:14 (#9153323) ( | Last Journal: Friday September 19, @17:30) Not quite. The saying actually refers to the trip from the prison to the Tyburn Tree in London. The prisoner to be hanged…
Men suck!
Well, here’s some of the usual insanity. –Gig Harbor Woman Shoots Husband Over Porn Surfing– “Yeah, Heather, I was just blowing off steam, not suggesting anything, sigh. I am the most nonviolent person you would ever want to meet– can’t be around, see, or hear violence of any kind. I can’t even listen to or…