Category: legacy
Hidden gems…
Ferret Queen Broken Sunset Random [[LJ]] goodness… you know things are pretty amusing out there. This list has individuals init who have posted pictures of themselves on their own journal or posted them to the various “rate me” LJ communities. It’s too chewy for old people, too solid for babies It’s a possum on a…
from the land of socks…
Some random links of and about things Japanese… TOKYO DAMAGE REPORT- japan, punk, hentai, engrish, goth, robot, kogal, otaku, shibuya, harajuku, schultz, fetchi, etc. Bridge to Japan BDSM of Japan Issue 3- The Wild, Wicked World of the Gon-Gyaru by Cameron Scholes ganguro
Guns and Lolitas…
Oh, and since I promised [[tatsumi:someone]] to put up a short list of things I would like… here they are. In order to keep my promise, these two items are on “hold” for 30 days. I won’t buy them for myself for a month from today ๐ Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow Since this is a wish…
This is UNREAL…
I am listing this here for those who read my blog who are gamers or game developers. It came up while I was making my wish list (see next post) but it isn’t really a “gift” item because I am going to buy it for business purposes when I have the $$$. Unreal Tournament 2004…
Ok, sleep for me for 4 hours or so. I had an awesome time wiht Tatsumi, and Kimiko worked out tonight on our new machine, I am starting tomorrow. Hammer time ๐
Teen angst poetry revealed! – oh, the horror. This is a website archiving [[e2:bad teenage poetry]] that is just… scary and hilarious. Categories include those below and many more… I am alone (No one understands my pain poems) Fuck You (You don’t understand me/ I hate you poems) Breakups (I will never love again poems) More than Like…
CMS bound…
As those close to me know, I am pretty much a fan of [[wp:CMS]] systems. Something of a student of them. I have been looking into them for years now and I simply can’t find one that fits my needs. Last week, I started a clean directory and began the coding of a CMS of…