Category: legacy
I was (am) one funny, optimistic, bitter motherf*cker…
It started out simply… this message came across FriendFeed… “Post your first authored site/blog Formatted as: domain, earliest archive date, wayback machine link” – Mark Krynsky That shouldn’t be that hard, I thought. I’ve pretty much always been in the same place here at In fact, the first ever blog post I can remember…
Second amendment thoughts…
I will eventually weave all this into a Herdwatching post… but here is a quick peek at my comments in a discussion on FriendFeed. “Obviously I hope I never >need< a gun, but I absolutely demand the right to own one. It is not for the government to disarm me and render me helpless and…
Seesmic reply – Some more video
I have been playing with different video platforms today. So we will be seeing how this goes and where it takes me. This is a reply I put up about teachers and education.
Video weekend wrap up…
Video blog entry, testing out for this. You might need to hit play / pause / play if it doesn’t run – it needs to buffer.
Total Victory.
When I am bored, I torture my friends. Often by sending them semi-hot, semi-offensive links. I am amused by it. Here is the log of a recent event. I have changed the name to protect their dignity. (update below) Soulhuntre says (4:46 PM): 2gullible4words says (4:46 PM): Jessica Alba is currently pregnant and therefore…
Who knew? I have been ahead of the curve most of my life in yet one more area 🙂 The term “staycation” is gaining ground as gas prices go up – it basically means stay home and chill out. Personally, I always loved them. All my stuff is home.
When no one has your back…
Ok, this quote kicks ass. "When nobody has your back, you gotta move your back." It is part of a larger quotation from an otherwise forgettable post. "Give advice that matters in one sentence. I got run out of a job I liked once, and while it was happening, a guy stopped me in the…
Ninja Deer
What do you get when you cross the blog post of a friend, some memes from 4chan and the D.I.Y. Demotivator tool? Yup.