Category: legacy
Rartional rules…
Since I was asked… I took the following test: PTypes – Temperament Test I scored… Temperament Score Idealist 9 Rationalist 15 Traditionalist 0 Hedonist 6 Which means I am… PTypes – The Rationalist Temperament So now you know.
This just in…
Some of you may be tuning in ’cause you heard through the grapevine that I will be putting up a variation of the [[BDSM]] postion system I have been workign on for a while. It will be here in a day or two – watch this space…. but the girls, family and clients come first…
Hot is no accident…
Darwin in action… This is a short list of links on the topic of science and beauty for a friend, specifically focusing on faces. I’ll talk more about it another time. Practical info… MBA California – Marqardt Beauty Analysis Books I recommend… (roughly in order) Books- The Red Queen- Sex and the Evolution of…
Lick me baby from behind…
So the folsk from madTV did this awesome [[Britney]] parody that was simply hilarious. Here are the lyrics and you can find an MP3 and video clip here. Anyway, follow the more link for the lyrics…
A slut of your own…
Hey everyone! Shesh, it’s been a while since I updated. I know, I am slacking some. I’ll try and update you tomorrow or later today. Here are the highlights! The family got a new car on Tuesday before the snow. It is a Jeep Liberty Sport and it kicks ass. A picture lives on my…
Texturing Workshop!
More stuff you 3D types will REALLY want to see ( texturing tutorials )… CGTalk – Texturing Workshop- Creating a photorealistic human face CGTalk – Texturing Workshop Part 1 CGTalk – Texturing Workshop Part 2 & Part 3 CGTalk – Texturing Workshop Part 4 CGTalk – Texturing Workshop Part 5 CGTalk – Texturing Workshop Part…