Category: legacy
Lesbians to the left of me…
Attention lesbians: you’re not supposed to think women are hot either. That is, if your even a lesbian at all. Remember, the [[wp:evil|patriarchy]] can make you want women too! But don’t worry, the good girls in the radfem movement have it all figured out, they can tell you how to make sure you sexuality is…
Well, I am home… and I am pissed. So AOL (fuck them, no link included) has apparently decided they care much more about some idiot with a personal axe to grind than about an actual problem. Let’s recap: There is an idiot online who repeatedly and constantly has threatened my life, [[girl2|Kimiko’s]] life and other…
I’m home!
Ok, sleep for me. More info tomorrow…. by the way, if anyone wants to email me transcriptions of the recent audio blogs, that would rock ๐
take me home…
Hey Everybody! It’s about 5 minutes ’till 2 on September 1st. We are still in Atlanta. We’ve got our room cleaned up. Well, not cleaned up, but we’ve got all our shit packed and the bags are sitting on the bed. We’re waiting for the guy to come up and take them downstairs so we…
book larnin’ is for wimps…
Hey Everybody! It’s right around 10 o’clock in the morning on September 1st. This is it! The last day of the DragonCon. Sorry if I haven’t blogged enough for ya. I’ve been taking a lot of pictures on the phone though. Lets see, I’ve got 2 classes today and then at 1:30 we have to…
F(r|l)ying shrimp…
Hey Everybody! It is Friday the 29th. It’s about 20 minutes after 8 o’clock in the evening. We’re still here in Atlanta, hanging out at DragonCon. We just got a chance to meet, well, some of you might know her as bree. It’s all going pretty cool. Had dinner at Benihana’s. The pictures are up…
Live from the land of dragons…
Hey Everybody! It’s 2:45am on 8.29.2003. I’m down here at DragonCon. We had an interesting flight down. Nothing really dangerous, just a couple of delays. We’re in an absolutely gorgeous hotel. We’re down here for, well, DragonCon, like I said. You can check it out at I’ll be updating my photo blog with my…