Category: legacy
Animation madness…
combat! Ever wonder what other people do to become popular? FlashPlayer has some of the answer. There are a whole bunch of talented (and not quite so talented) animators out there using Flash to amuse the hell out of themselves and the rest of us. Go over, check out some movies and kill a few…
Gallery and life…
Flagg with some stuff at the office, then to the Dojo (I hope) then back to here to work on the end of the stuff for Client S. Man, what a huge pain in the butt that project is 🙂 I don’t mind doing it to help out I am just sorry it is taking…
Bank scam tables turned…
Apparently there is a whole hobby of reverse scamming the “Nigerian Bank Scam” folks, you know the ones. heck, even Cthulu falls for it! This is funnier than hell. Check out below for logs of email conversations that will have you rolling in the isles. In some cases they have even managed to get the…
You know…
Looking back on the day, it is amazing how cool it is to get a call you didn’t expect 🙂 And now? A thread about two dogs who live in an Elk. You can find a (slightly) expanded version here and if you’re moved to do so, buy a t-shirt or see “Dogs in Vegetables“.
Moving forward…
In other news, I managed to rent a truck for this weekend and get my radio station online. Stay tuned for more news as we work into our voice schedule and other features.
I don’t post to Metafilter often…
In theory, [[Metafilter]] is a place for things you won’t often come across on the web. It isn’t really meant to be a place for political dissertation and so on though lately it has been swamped with [[wp:Iraq]] posts. I was on the verge heading over to post a political pointer of my own (to…
Tatsumi, kicking ass…
a smile! Sometimes a little inconvenience is worth it 🙂 Tatsumi was supposed to come up this way today for an appointment and I was understandably looking forward to seeing her tonight. We don’t get to see as much of each other as we would like these days but I think we both know that…
Keeping an eye on the web…
Carmen shoots! A round up of links from my recent browsing. This entry will focus on the “babe” factor, so you will find models, websites and more to help you enjoy all the cuteness you can handle. ed note: see update at the end of this article! Special Mention Nude Weblog Awards – go check…
You are in my power…
Went to the TES meeting on [[wp:hypnosis]] tonight and I really liked it. I didn’t get any new information because frankly I have had such a great resource in Flagg that until I start doing it again I am up to my eyeballs in raw info. I guess what happened was that some of the…