Category: legacy
good words – and oh so true
good words – and oh so true Seen on Slashdot… "Give a man a fish, he owes you one fish. Teach a man to fish, you give up your monopoly on fisheries."
well, I did it – reminisce with me
well, I did it – reminisce with me I got an AIM message from someone i have known for a long time tonight. it was great to hear from her … she hadn’t been reading my blog. I know, sacrilege for sure! In any case, I gave her the link… and then she wanted me…
this is pretty cool – I love this guy
this is pretty cool – I love this guy Rocket Guy Getting ready for class. Talk to you all later!
some fast stuff – before I slip into a coma
I went to the Statue of Liberty today. Pretty cool stuff. I went with my Mom and the girls. I did get sunburned though – I don’t mind telling you that sucks. Spent some time at Flagg’s tonight as well… talked about a bunch of stuff. It was a good night with good folks. My…
he’s dead – am I supposed to feel better?
It’s no secret I think capitol punishment is stupid as hell. The legal system we have is just way too screwed up to be killing people and the case of Timothy McVeigh proves it. The idiot was guilty, he did it. He killed all those people. There was never any real dispute of that. Yet,…
holy cow – this is soo cool
holy cow – this is soo cool Amazing stuff. The Final Fantasy movie is simply looking better and better. Take a look at the images…. Images at Renderosity Images at
The booty:
think, and be geeky – OK, I like them… It’s the yuppie version of being a geek, but the folks at ThinkGeek have some cool stuff. Some incredibly kind reader send me a gift certificate in response to an earlier post so I went and shopped till I clicked. The booty: no, I will not……
wow – cool!
wow – cool! Been busy. Some cool things happening business wise, we have a proposal submitted to Client X so that is a good thing. It could mean some money in the near future. Of particular note is how well the 3D work is coming along. I think I will be able to put a…