Category: legacy
quick update – ack
quick update – ack I am not going into Client X today. I am still dog sick. I thought I was feeling a little better but at the moment I am back with a fever and other stuff. This is a pain in the ass. For those who are following, there is a FAQ on…
- The Kaycee Nicole (Swensen) The Kaycee Nicole (Swensen) FAQ More information on all this… a ?full? story?
way cool – stuff
way cool – stuff Well, it’s been a long day. I got to see Tatsumi for a little today and that is always a good thing. Kimiko went and covered her and my responsibilities at the dojo and I went and sat on the sidelines for my class. I am still sick like a dog.…
The Misanthropic Bitch – Outcasts
The Misanthropic Bitch – Outcasts “…Another school shooting means another round of e-mails from former “outcasts” who really, really sympathize with the scrawny kid who just couldn’t take the teasing any longer. They know what he’s going through. They were in his position. They were part of the high school underclass. If only Suzie and…
Love is a fist Whoa.
Love is a fist Whoa. Satire… but funny and with a grain of truth… “…The way to a woman’s heart is through her broken ribs. Forget roses. Forget expensive boxes of candy. Forget moonlit walks along the beach. Forget every piece of advice you’ve heard on The View. If you want to impress a woman,…
off to sleep – cough, wheeze
off to sleep – cough, wheeze Ok… a few things here, so I will just touch base on them. My rant of a few days ago had some interesting ripples in my life – not the least of which was finding out that I am more understood than I believed I was. I am still…