Category: legacy
The Old Calculators Web Museum
The Old Calculators Web Museum “My pages aren’t fancy, focusing on content rather than frilly Web-tricks. These pages are simply devoted to preserving the technology of calculating machines — from the old mechanical calculators of the ’40’s and ’50’s, through the beginnings of the ‘pocket’ calculator in the mid ’70’s, I’m trying to preserve and…
Magic Lantern Castle Museum “The
Magic Lantern Castle Museum “The Magic Lantern is the earliest form of slide projector. The first published image of the device appeared in Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae, by Athanasius Kircher in the late 1600’s. Images were painted on glass and projected on walls, cloth drapes, and, sometimes, on a wet cloth from behind the…
Unusual Museums of the Internet
Unusual Museums of the Internet Web Ring “Here you will find some of the most unusual sites, museums, and collections available anywhere, on or off the Internet.”
75 years of Band-Aid “My
75 years of Band-Aid “My wife and I bought an old house in Northern California in December of 1994. We bought it from friends, and in fact the great-grandfather of my buddy Mitch built the house himself. It’s about 50 years old, and pretty groovy in its own way. It seems that Mitch’s family didn’t…
Quackatorium “Welcome to the fascinating
Quackatorium “Welcome to the fascinating and somewhat creepy world of antique medical quackery and electrotherapy devices. What follows are descriptions and pictures of the various types of devices that I (and others) have been able collect over the years.”
- “I was recently told “I was recently told a story that is a bit unbelievable about the history of the first toaster. Can you please tell me the truth about where it came from and how it got it’s name? I would really appreciate it. It goes like this… I went to historic Deerfield, Massachusetts where a guide…