Category: legacy
slim.girl :: journal – She’s
slim.girl :: journal – She’s really cute, and she can show you how to get free stuff!
The Moth Mobile “At first
The Moth Mobile “At first glance the toy car zipping around Jeff Bloomquist’s lab looks ordinary enough. But closer scrutiny reveals something odd. Lashed to a small boom that juts like a bowsprit from the front of the car is a cockroach.”
M.E.L. “M.E.L. (MyoElectric Locust) is
M.E.L. “M.E.L. (MyoElectric Locust) is a three-wheeled robotics platform that is controlled by locust flight muscle activity. The locust is tethered to a support on the platform. Electromyographic recording electrodes are then inserted into the left and right forewing first basalar flight muscles (a pair of muscles that controls the timing of the downstroke of…
Too bad.
rabid linux eats it’s young – one reason why I am moving away… Well, the Linux crowd is getting a little more bizarre each day. See, I like ‘OpenSource‘ as a concept, and I have been a Linux user for a long, long time (I was compiling .98 and earlier release kernel’s, if that gives…
Research Center-The Spudgun Technology Center
Research Center-The Spudgun Technology Center – Baked spud death…
Definitive Penis Size Survey Results
Definitive Penis Size Survey Results – I just had to post this.
humor break – cause you won’t see it otherwise
humor break – cause you won’t see it otherwise Apparently, that big piece of flat glass on your desk calls to you in a way the photocopied never did. It’s (mostly) private, you can put stuff on it and show the world. This is your brain. This is your brain on your scanner. This is…
Nardwuar vs. Cynthia Plaster Caster
Nardwuar vs. Cynthia Plaster Caster An interview with a chick who plaster casts famous penises. Yes, there are pictures.