Category: legacy
::.::electronic.whore::.:: One of the cooler
::.::electronic.whore::.:: One of the cooler blogs about, with a great site design. The girls responsable are pretty hot as well.
quick thoughts from a fashion tool – I apologize.
quick thoughts from a fashion tool – I apologize. Well, I am on my way out to my Dojo… this will be a sort of push-up waterloo so if you have any positive energy send it at the east coast marked for Kimiko. As for the tool part, well look at the scroll bar. If…
by all means – slap her!
As I listened to the radio today coming home from a business meeting (it went well) I was turned on to this website. It took me a while to pull myself away from the “slap” button long enough to look at the rest of the content – and it turns out there is a lot of good content there.…
life rolls on – general musings and a shout out!
life rolls on – general musings and a shout out! This is just a general life update so if that bores you move on. * We had a really rough day at the Dojo today. Sensei is not really very happy with Kimiko or I at the moment. The issue seems to be push-ups, or…
thirty-four – and all is …
thirty-four – and all is … Sunday was the end of my 34th year. As I sit in my ancestral home (that is shorthand for ‘parents house’) with the debris of my current business venture around me I cannot help but take a moment to reflect. first off Thank you to both Tatsumi and Kimiko…
Enough for now!
I should be working – so obviously, this is the time to blog about NewsRadio It goes without saying that NewsRadio is one of the best things that ever hit the TV. It has everything including two sneak up on you hot babes that just kill me. Bear with me here, I have a point!…