Category: legacy

  • Court MS?: You win some…

    Court MS?: You win some…




    Court MS?: You win some… "In a victory for the giant software manufacturer in legal maneuvering with the government, the court acted even before U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson could hear the government’s request to bypass the circuit court and send the case directly to the Supreme Court." – link Microsofts’ view can be…

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  • The name game: Sticks and stones…

    The name game: Sticks and stones…




    Ok… as I have been running along today hitting all the business sites I can find I found a good resource that will let you check your company name for domain availability and trademark issues. Pretty cool!

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  • IAM – hotter than hell: At least they gave us this…

    IAM – hotter than hell: At least they gave us this…




    So I am looking over the list of companies that look like they are going to die and I come across IAM, a talent portfolio site. Beign the kind of guy >I< am, I went to look over the models. I came across one or two that are worth a look… Lacey Williams. Enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚

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  • A long day so far: Teusday afternoon business club…

    A long day so far: Teusday afternoon business club…




    I got sucked into the bed last night – I went up to tuck everyone in and blam, sleep hit me like a brick. I did get to stay up long enough to watch animaniacs! Spen time today on the plan, and looked through the opinions on venture capital firms on the web. I think…

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  • I am so outta here: night all!

    I am so outta here: night all!




    Gonna get some sleep before the evening comes and I am out getting my ass handed to me in [[wp:Judo]]. So enjoy kiddies. I called the investor, of course he isn’t in, but I am not bitter about it ๐Ÿ™‚ Got a lot of good work done last night… I am pretty proud of myself.…

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  • park me, baby: and musings

    park me, baby: and musings




    As you can see, I am experimenting with the format of these entries – we’ll see if I like it enough to keep it. In any case, the application for dotPublishing, inc. at is on it’s way to be reviewed by Christopher and Tatsumi, hopefully they will like the wording. Then we need to…

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  • In other web news, the

    In other web news, the




    In other web news, the weblog I love to poke fun at – Feminist Media Watch turns out not to have all that much traffic. Interestingly, it looks like feminist grrrls have decent computers, with the vast majority of ’em running IE5.0 or better at relatively high resolutions.

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  • An interesting note: According to

    An interesting note: According to




    An interesting note: According to some reports, Everquest is making a bunch of money… though maybe not as much as we thought it was. Lets look it over, 170,000 active subscribers at 10$/mo is $1,700,000 per month in revenue, offset by an estimated $500,000 in server costs. That leaves us with $1,200,000 or 1.2 million…

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  • I missed the morning update….

    I missed the morning update….




    I missed the morning update…. so sue me. Spend the day down at the gym and having dinner with my parents. That being done I killed a few hours surfing aimlessly on the web. The Portal of Evil is always a good place to start. The rest of tonight is to be spent getting some…

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