Category: legacy
Minion Task: What’s the Hot Cert?
Minion army, arise! In support of The Stark Project I am strongly considering a personal trainer certification. My research has led me to this handy chart, which may be out of date but is a good starting point. I have narrowed the field down to three candidates, roughly in order of preference after looking at…
iPads, Fat and Money… catching up with Soulhuntre
It has certainly been a while since I blogged a quick catch up. Essentially I twitter so much that I feel all the people who care already have a way to stay up to date. That’s true as far as it goes but I think it is also important to blog. Why? Curation and archiving.…
Minions: Something a little harder…
While posting about hot girls is a good thing and something Harley has totally nailed for me, the time has come to put your collective energies to work on something a little meatier. Why? With luck, on March 15th I will be embarking on a new blog venture centered around fitness and lifestyle design. To…
Minions: Hot babe project updates…
Well, minion DoomedGirl slapped two bios out of the park, so here is an example of the “Why we love her” text that is dead on to the tone for the new Popangel… “Why we love her: Sure, Talia hasn’t been around long and she’s not likely to be featured on the next episode of…
Minions and hot babes…
As some of you know, I own a website called PopAngel and for years I ran it as a hobby that I spent only a little time on. It was popular, but it is also a prime example of a site that could be monetized if it was organized right. As I et more and…
Let’s be honest – Obama is just flat out ignorant of the law.
We heard a lot during the campaign that Obama was some sort of super genius and an constitutional law scholar. It turns out he was a middle of the road student who thinks we have 57 states and has the constitutional understanding of the mechanical chick Bugs Bunny used to hang around with. In short,…
He’s gonna pop like a leech!
As some of you know, I ran out of my blood pressure meds about two weeks ago. Unfortunately the financial situation made getting it refilled something of a hassle*. In the interim, my BP went back to where it wants to be on its own – about 185 over 130 or so. They tell me…
Europe knows best!? Oh and more abuse 🙂
Oh wait, they don’t. Torn by strife, in the grip of a disastrous experiment with socialism and under the boot of violence by Muslim extremists daily Europe is about the last place I expect someone to claim has a good grip on anything at all – let alone ethics. It is fashionable and common for…