Category: legacy
Put the DVD down and walk away…
I came this close to trying to switch full time to Microsoft Windows Vista. I will be holding off. It’s a long story, suffice to say that a defective Maxtor HD is at the heart of it.
Solving an IIS security issue…
I was installing some stuff for a client under ASP.NET 2.0 and IIS in Windows Server 2003. The installation was going fine though it is much more complicated than it needs to be. There is such a thing as an installer and a wizard and WordPress can do a 5 minute install, come on…
Somtimes, you just have to…
I always told myself one of the cooler things about having a laptop is the ability to use it from anywhere. Now that I blog, it has always seemed like an even more useful ability. ed note: the above was posted from my bathroom.
Idiots amuse me…
Why am I not shocked that a group of people with arguments as insanely shoddy as this one don’t want to let outside opinions ruin the sound in their little echo chamber? Here is a gem of a reply to this almost sane post: “I have a hard time relating to your black man example…
Don't look at me…
Ok… now, pay attention to this stuff below. It is a classic example of the sort of weird cognitive dissonance being deeply tied into a victimization worldview breeds. The sort of “doublethink” you really need to maintain to keep all your “they are all against” me stuff in the air. In particular, you need to…
I love being a tech god. Park this here for me ok? Ok. รย ################################ รย # podcast stuff รย ################################ รย RewriteRule ^/podcast/รย /index.php?category_name=podcast&feed=rss2 [L]