Category: legacy
I consent! (repost)
Ed. Note: Reposted with minor edits. Originally posted October 9, 2003 @ 18:12:33. The original was taken offline temporarily. A discussion of consent came up on one of the lists I am on. Basically this is a philosophical argument. It hinges on mostly on the question of whether we can state simply "everyone always has…
The Hacker's Diet
The Hacker’s Diet – “how to lose weight and hair through stress and poor nutrition”. Seriously, it looks like an interesting primer to basic diet and health concepts.
Richard III Society-15thCentury Life: Codpiece
Richard III Society-15thCentury Life: Codpiece – The following is a paper done by Ms. Kosir for a History of Costume class taken as part of her continuing studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. We are grateful to her for allowing its reproduction here, in the Fifteenth-Century Lifestyles section of the Richard III Society website.
What Tolkien Officially Said About Elf Sex
What Tolkien Officially Said About Elf Sex – Summary: A cross-referenced list of everything Tolkien said about elf sex. Update Note: NEW linguistic update! From Tolkien word-lists published in 2002. Read this translated into German here!
Building a dynamic webpage using PHP, MySQL and Smarty
I recently did some extensive work in PHP that needed a good template engine. I wound up using Smarty and it did the job just fine. In particular I wound up connecting Smarty to MySql for a cache store. Anyway, the following links are useful: Building a dynamic webpage using PHP, MySQL and Smarty – especially…
Sometimes, no means harder… (repost)
E.d. Note: Reposted with minor edits. Origionally posted – November 10, 2003 @ 10:48:52. The origional was taken offline temporarily. The following was posted by my own Tatsumi to a mailing list for TES members. The discussion was one I was fairly deeply involved in, all about the concept of whether “no” neans “no” all…
Review: Inboxer
note: this review is of the Inboxer trial – I have not yet purchased the full product though I have no reason to believe there are important differences As many of you know before the great blog re-set one of the topics I covered at some length was productivity applications. I don’t see any reason…
: My.Blogs
: My.Blogs – My.Blogs is a collection of sample code that will show you how you can easily provide programmatic access to weblogs in the applications you build. Full source code is provided along with Windows Forms, ASP.NET 2.0 and a Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Outlook Add-In.