Category: legacy
…suggested I serve him…
A thread on the Usenet has some comments about the recent case involving Glenn Marcus from someone who has known him for a bit more than a year: "We met about a year and a half ago when I responded to an online posting, "Master seeks vanilla persective." During our first conversation it became apparent…
The Cisco kid…
Grrr. My T1 has been having some issues lately, and it got worse over the weekend. Part of the troubleshooting is to log into the router’s firmware. In light of that, I present to you: Cisco – Password Recovery Procedure for the Cisco 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, AccessPro, 7000 (RP), AGS, IGS, STS-10x ’nuff said
Ruby on Rails, ORMs, .NET and PHP
As many of the developers out there know Ruby on Rails has been getting a lot of buzz. In fact I was initially pretty impressed myself with how productive it seemed to be. Once I looked into it deeper it became clear to me that for a number of reasons it wouldn’t work for me…
I will REMOVE the fucking toilet seat…
Every now and then I am pulled into a Everything2 nodewalk. E2 is an awesome place with a lot to offer. How can you not love anywhere with entries like "I will REMOVE the fucking toilet seat if you don’t shut up" or how to say "please stop, my butt hurts" in Japanese? When you…
Dreamweaver bug fixes, ASP.NET stuff…
A few items of technical note: Dreamweaver MX 2004 has a problem with Windows XP SP2 when working with ASP.NET code and connecting to databases. It may also effect other languages. Here is the fix from Macromedia. Using SQL server to store session state ASP.NET Session State
GM’s “doggy” weighs in…
Here is a bit of text from one of GMyourGod’s former submissives, not the one who has now decided to accuse and attack him. It is pretty clear that she is supporting the idea that her relationship was consensual. There is a lot of contradiction in how some things are presented. In particular there is…
The plot thickens…
The plot thickens. The chat rooms have been abuzz with rumors that there was a dispute over money, rights and payment from one of the "models" on the website. This whole thing may come down to someone trying to shake down some money, and taking things nuclear when they didn’t get their way. Rumor even…