Category: legacy
What about my needs?
Below is a snippet of a document I was writing for a client. The document itself turned out to not be the right thing, but the bit I did get done seemed valuable enough to hang onto. I release the following 4 paragraphs into the public domain ๐ The development process depends on a number…
Slashdot sniper…
Only on /. can you get a discussion that includes [[w[:Bluetooth]] technology and ballistics. This is all from a thread about a “Bluetooth Sniper Rifle” that looks way cool. “Bah, go study up on exterior balistics my friend. Gravity, acting on the bullet is straight down, but if the bullet isn’t traveling perfectly horizontal, then the…
Google “suggest”, cool ASP.NET 2.0 tricks and more!
First off… there is a lot of open source C# out there… go look! C# Open Source List Published It’s amusing, many people are all agog over Googles new “google suggest” feature, and it is pretty cool. But the underlying technology owes a lot to Microsoft (though the OSS folks won’t admit it). Take a…
Blow me!
The Fellatio Follies… “Let’s also get something else straight here: I enjoy, immensely, being on the receiving end of a deftly applied blowjob. It’s one of those enthralling experiences which periodically liberate us from the mundane, subsistence levels of existence, awakening at least some of us to our true purpose in life: to continue striving…
Faceted navigation thoughts…
Faceted Navigation tima thinking outloud. – Faceted Categorization in MT. -Pixelcharmer- Field Notes- Faceted Movable Type
Innocence lost…
On a mailing list we are discussing age and innocence. Someone mentioned that they thought things were better in :the days before us” when kids could just be “kids”. That many of these believes about the “old days” are false is only the beginning of the problem. Anyway, here is part of my reply, reprinted…
Sometimes I am too nice.
Here’s a segment of something I almost put into a post on a BDSM mailing list. I ran it buy the friend who passes for my manner checker and it seems a bit harsh especially as it may be misinterpreted as an attack on anyone specific. Ah well. Here is is for posterity. (on the…