Category: legacy
Um. Ouch!
“Everything always looks easier on TV. Preparing braised capon with pearl onions, for instance. Or removing coffee stains from a white oxford shirt. And, of course, slamming an eight-inch chrome-plated dildo up your ass. When you try to do these things yourself, the braised capon burns, the shirt remains stained, and your ass yearns for…
And so it begins…
At 13:00 yesterday, a server for client S packed it in. The [[wp:NOC]] started it and began a [[wp:EXT3]] [[wp:fsck]] that has been running for more than 24 hours and it looks leek the drive is totally [[e2:borked]] – needless to say this sucks. Just around 16:00 today I got the access information or the…
Tech goodness…
Hmm… a useful windows post on /.? Odd! Re:Runas gets tiring… (Score:2) by Curien (267780) on Wednesday January 26, @05:09 (#11478429) runas /user:admin cmdc:>start iexplores Now you’ve got a command prompt and an explorer shell both with admin priveleges. The only thing you’ve lost versus actually logging in is the Start menu.
Ruby on Rails
I need to stash these links. Looking into the system that seems to be rocking the world, Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails Rolling with Ruby on Rails Slashdot – Rolling With Ruby On Rails Loud Thinking- Broadcasting Brain The Rails Archives Castle Project – Castle on Rails Get started with Ruby On Rails…
Make up test…
Hot Lips I have mentioned that I love trashy make up in the past, I don’t know why – but it is so hot sometimes. I have a small gallery of examples, and I present the two pictures above for further education. Obviously the exact style would depend on skin tone and so many other…
The speech.
This is the transcript of the inaguration speech of President George W. Bush on 01/29/2005.
A long time ago…
So after my recent entry, I looked back on the “this day in my blod” thing and say an entry from 2001 referencing a review I wrote a long time ago. I decided to archive it here for safety.