Hey, I’m mostly carbon anyway…
‘Knee’ded ed note: I have a post up about the competition to these, the Asterisk Cell and related stuff, go check it out ed note 2: this entry was updated on 09/30/2004 @ 04:04:00 That, my friends is the EVS Web. A carbon fiber knee brace with some serious protection. They are also around $350…
Happy b-day to me!
Hey everyone. Today is my birthday. I’m now 38. I thought I was 38 last year, but I was wrong. So thats good. Going to spend time with the girls, so enjoy!
CBS: Fake but accurate?!?
“What’s going on? Do these guys really think the Rather affair is that big a deal?” – quote in context Let’s flash back a little, to the heady days of just last week when our man Dan got all huffy that us poor internet people would even dare question him. This was before CBS tried…
Could Dan drag it all down with him?
I love puppets! ‘Rathergate‘ (btw – there is a website of the same name) continues, and there is some really, really amusing new spin on it all. Lets start at the top. As you may have known if you weren’t living under a internet rock or compulsively driven to believe anything that is anti Bush …
No, really – it’s true we promise!
poor Dan… Below you will find the text of a memo from CBS to it’s affiliated stations about the now conclusively exposed forged documents it put on 60 Minutes. I have it here for safe keeping and because I want to reference it in a later post. Thanks to LGF for the info. While we…
Unfit for minimum wage…
look into the past… You’ve suspected it of course – that bookstore employees hid books they don’t agree with. I don’t think that it is the majority of them or even many of them, but certainly there are those who do take the opportunity to cause problems. I’ve noticed it at my local Barnes &…
Random thought…
Found online… “I LIKE MY WOMEN LIKE I LIKE MY COFFEE (ground up and in the freezer)!”