• The land of rape and honey…

    The land of rape and honey…




    Speaking of a little crazy but so damn funny and occasionally insightfil. I bring you, the Misanthropic Bitch! Save the Children – “Your innocent daughter ? having never read a newspaper or watched the evening news ? is unaware of the danger that lurks on the Internet. In reality, Tyler is a 35-year-old, pock-faced, garlic-breathed,…

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  • Arnold, Satan and you!

    Arnold, Satan and you!




    Ok, I have some pages open of insane [[wp:tinfoil hat]] types. This time, lets look at conspiracies… alien and terrestrial. Read them all, and go to the sites. The fun is just starting!

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  • …never seek a permission slip to defend the American people

    …never seek a permission slip to defend the American people




    I just watched [[wp:Dick Cheney]] give a speech to the RNC, and I have to tell you he made a lot of sense to me. He has codified some of what I have been trying to say… and brought into focus some of the concerns I have had for the near future. I’ve highlighted the…

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  • little white mini-skirt…

    little white mini-skirt…




    “When she finally arrived wearing a white mini-skirt and a revealing top, she was even prettier than I remembered. I gently wrapped one hand into her hair and pulled her inside” In the mood for something a bit erotic? Heres a nice lite BDSM story you might be amused by. It’s kinda of generic, but…

    [read more]

  • stand up and be counted…

    stand up and be counted…




    “Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the dangers of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of ‘crackpot’ than the stigma of conformity. And on issues that seem important to you, stand up and be counted at any cost” – [[wp:Thomas J. Watson]]  

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  • Socio what?




    In a recent thread on a mailing list the term [[wp:sociopath]] was tossed around. It started, as always, when someone with a fairly narrow view of the concept of consent got their (in this case panties) in a twist about the reality that not everything in life happens after explicit consent. I can’t post the…

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  • Type for me!

    Type for me!




    Ok, I need transcription help. Some of you may have sent these in before and I may have lost them. The “transcribe” category has the ones I need, please email them to me with “Transcript: ” and the date in the subject line. Thanks!

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  • Never forget, forgive or excuse.

    Never forget, forgive or excuse.




    We will never forgive. Never forget. Never excuse. Ron Silver is on C-SPAN right now. His speech is awesome. As far as I can tell he has stayed to the remarks released ahead of time. I have pasted them below “the fold”. Click on the more link if there is one. The emphasis is mine.

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  • Kerry, more ambivalence.

    Kerry, more ambivalence.




    There was a Metafilter thread discussing Kerry’s book “The New Soldier” that led to some information I had not previously seen. Links to many things are available, including the full text of the book and other links including his senate testimony from 1971. I replied, and my reply is below… posted by soulhuntre at 4:08…

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