• Oral sex, prudes and hot teen girl on girl action…

    Oral sex, prudes and hot teen girl on girl action…




    While off looking for information for a future post, I found my way to the Free Republic website. This is something of a hotbed of cultural clashes and may in fact be the right wing counterpart to the old Ms. Magazine boards. The thread in question of the search was amazing – with different users…

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  • Busy busy busy…

    Busy busy busy…




    It’s been hell. Working hard, spening lots of tiem at the [[wp:dojo]]. I put up an audio blog entry but it didn’t show up. Sorry. I’ll update later on today… for now I jsut wanted to say I am alive and well. With a bit of a sore throat.

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  • Olympics and other stuff…

    Olympics and other stuff…




    words of wisdom from me, dated 8/23/2004. “Hey, everybody! This is Soulhuntre. It’s right around quarter to twelve, midnight, on Monday, Eight, Twenty-Three, Two Thousand Four. Hwooo! Been busy, busy, busy. Been watching a lot of the Olympics, working on some technical stuff: I had to build a computer for my dojo. I decided to…

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  • Sometimes the good things make me feel bad…

    Sometimes the good things make me feel bad…




    On good things, residual guilt and wondering why I sometimes feel like I am nuts… Sheesh! Things have been crazy here. A client had a security problem, and it has taken us about a week and a half to recover. In between all I made osme $$$ – but it has become clear that for the…

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  • NJ: Where the men are men, and like it!

    NJ: Where the men are men, and like it!




    The top 10 [[wp:McGreevey jokes – as found in my email. Shouldn’t take MCGREEVEY long to get out of the governors mansion, he’s already got his shit packed! Post headline…MCGREEVEY goes down Gives new meaning to stuffing the ballot box NJ DMV to now call rear end accidents, a MCGREEVEY What does MCGREEVEY and the…

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  • Frog.





    I was looking at [[wp:ebooks]] and came across this one… “In this deeply disturbing and twisted tale, a young woman is abducted, only to be tortured and degraded to the point that she loses her identity. Jane becomes ‘frog’ – a sexual object to be used and humiliated through an endless series of perverted tortures…

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  • Unexpected truth…

    Unexpected truth…




    “I choose to do it. That is all the authority I need.” That statement was uttered by an alien in a bad [[wp:Outer Limits]] (the new series) episode. Truth is found int he oddest places.

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  • He makes Moore than you do…

    He makes Moore than you do…




    “Multi-millionaire Michael Moore is about to be $40,000 richer, for less than a day of work, according to the Lincoln Journal Star.  Remember that this is how much he charges for a speaking engagement the next time he starts in with his ?working class hero? bullshit.” – quote in context

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  • Third person…

    Third person…




    A list I am on was having a discussion about third person speech. I don’t have time to discuss it at length, but I’ll put up here the basics of a reply I posted about how it is used that touched on protocol. As I am re-defining mine for a secret project, this is a…

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