• I always feel like, someone is watching me…

    I always feel like, someone is watching me…




    It looks like the [[wp:FBI]] is hoping to expand their ability to do wire taps, this expands on the [[wp:Patriot_act|Patriot Act]] and [[wp:CALEA]]. It’s a bad idea. I have attached a version of the original [[wp:CALEA]] bill (as put on the ‘net) to this posting so I have a record of it. Info on this…

    [read more]

  • A big fat pipe…

    A big fat pipe…




    This comment was posted in a /. article, it was so funny I had to share it here: Re:It already IS implemented. (Score:5, Funny) by Jodka (520060)  on Monday March 15, @21:55 (#8575074) That way you’ll be able to make better use of fat pipes when you can finally get them.” According to an email…

    [read more]

  • Will you respect me in the morning?

    Will you respect me in the morning?




    According to this Metafilter post it seems that oral sex and hand jobs are becoming more popular all the time. Personally, I think if a girl wants to stay a ‘technical’ virgin then anal sex is a good option. Look below for quotes and links…

    [read more]

  • A radical change from code…

    A radical change from code…




    [[Sarah]] [[Tiffany]] Still clearing off links to reclaim desktop space. I was closing these windows and decided you might want to take a look. Here are some links to threads at the NN Forums Picture Post section. Forums – I am at PHILS HOUSE!!! Forums – midnight snack…actually i think it was more like 9…

    [read more]

  • PHP file upload adventure…

    PHP file upload adventure…




    For the project I am working on for Client A I have had to tackle file uploading via the browser in PHP. I had purchased a Dreamweaver extension a while back to handle this sort of thing, but it turns out to be inadequate for my needs  in this case. I certainly have gotten the…

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  • Zombies, bondage and cubism…

    Zombies, bondage and cubism…




    A whole lot of Everything. I had to look something up on this site today while I took a break from work to eat something, and as usual one link led to another. I don’t have the time to read it all so I am saving it here for future reference. As always, the topics…

    [read more]

  • Booth Babes and closing browsers…

    Booth Babes and closing browsers…




    booth bunnies rule! Ah, trade shows. You know them and love them… and we love the women. Cause nothing gets a bunch of geeks to pay attention like a girl. A pretty girl, even better! And a pretty girl who looks like the game character you’ve been twiddling your ‘joystick’ about at night? Whohoo! Here…

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  • Get Smart(y)

    Get Smart(y)




    A nice little find in PHP land is Smarty, a nice little template system. Enjoy! Smarty – Template Engine Front Page – SmartyWiki Templates from other sources – pay particular attention to this, templates from databases… Smarty — Forums

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  • Grrr. This has to stop.

    Grrr. This has to stop.




    This is seriously uncool You know, it is this sort of thing that may make me vote against the [[wp:Republican]] party for the first time in a long time. “A far-reaching proposal from the FBI, made public Friday, would require all broadband Internet providers, including cable modem and DSL companies, to rewire their networks to…

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