• The SARS Genome…

    The SARS Genome…

    This is the TOR2 “Finished” SARS genome assembly release 3. A draft version is also available online. Go ahead… go figure out a way to kill it 🙂 ed: note – updated to include the source link. Also, you can get more information here in my resources post.

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  • Into NYC with the girls, path madness…

    Into NYC with the girls, path madness…

    We went into [[wp:NYC]] to drop off some pre-press data for the upcoming TES event called TES Fest. Tatsumi handles a lot of their layout print work and does a great job. Anyway, after the trip with Tatsumi and Kimiko I was too tired to type this in last night so I did it in…

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  • More lint in the ‘net navel

    More lint in the ‘net navel

    A quick whip around the ‘net via what’s hanging out in my browser. salon mwt feature Tasty, not tasteless – a Salon review of the first Charlie’s Angels movie. Pretty funny. ArsClan.net Forums – Requiem For A Duck – “It’s a sad thing when an innocent life is dragged deep into despair and misery. Alcohol,…

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  • Welcome SM readers…

    Welcome SM readers…

    This is a short round up of threads from the Ms. Magazine message boards dealing with [[wp:BDSM]] – it’s here as reference for a post on another list dealing with S/M and feminism to show the extreme feminist POV. I urge you to go read the threads yourself, it is an interesting look into the…

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  • You’ve been a fine audience!

    You’ve been a fine audience!

    An audio goodnight and short form daily recap. Do you like these, [[let me know]]! Oh, and if anyone is willing to transcribe them, I’ll do something special for ya 🙂 The hard part is resisting the urge to re-record them over and over to get it “right”. I am trying to keep some of…

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  • Pixies to the left of me…

    Pixies to the left of me…

    Daz3d Rocks! So how cool is this! I am really thinking she will make a great mascot/hostess for Dream-Scapes. Kinda flirty, 3D but with an Anime/Fantasy feeling to her. One of the crucial aspects I like is that she sort of suggests everything Dream Scapes is about – games, graphics, cartoons – telling stories and…

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  • Test “audblog” post.

    Test “audblog” post.

    This is my first post with this tool, using the “trial” so it is short and to the point. Enjoy!   — transcript — Hey everybody! This is Soulhuntre. Just checking out the audblog system. If this is a little fuzzy, it’s because I am using my cell phone. Give me some feedback. Let me…

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  • Bring out your… fish.

    Bring out your… fish.

    Had a good day today – took care of a lot of odds ‘n ends from things I have been putting off and did some work for pay as well. Tatsumi came down for a dentist gig but it turns out the appointment got moved so the three of us (we took Kimiko) went to…

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  • For the primates among us…

    For the primates among us…

    From Fark to ApeChild. On ApeChild we find: Anna Kournikova – nice [[Anna]] gallery (other galleries available) Twin Tracker – an interactive map of the US with information on exactly when the Olsen twins will be legal in your home state. This is a fine addition to the Age of Consent information I certainly hope…

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