Go ahead and look at the article I just put up on Dream-Scapes. about [[wp:Alternate Reality Games]]. There will be much discussion of such things here in the future.
Things to do with your mouth…
u no u want 2 c it Ah, porn. I do love it so 🙂 I have a [[wp:fetish]] for [[e2:lesbian|lesbians]]. I can’t help it – and I don’t wanna. I love ’em. I love women and women together is even better… besides it’s fairly good for my deep seated [[e2:voyeurism]] thing as well. It…
If you really really really care…
Heard it on the radio today about 20 minutes ago, it’s called "Damaged" and its by TLC.. I liked the lyrics… so here they are. This blog is my long term memory 🙂 Full lyrics are below, but here is the thing that caught my ear: "I might look through your stuff, for what I…
Bringing the media to it’s knees…
lov them… sneakers? Some fake ads draw a lot of attention… it seems like those really cool ads that claim to be for "Puma" are sadly not the real article. We knew that of course but we can always hope. I think the ads are pretty funny and kind of hot. They are causing quite…
Puppies & Kittens!
Here is an entry that is just plain fun. A Japanese page with fishey lens images of puppies and kittensfisheye lens images of puppies and kittens… ridiculously cute!
Insert muppet movie quote here…
my life story 🙂 You start a snowball rolling downhill… and your happy you did it cause dammit it was just up there melting away… then you realize it’s gonna hit a school bus or something and you now have run about as fast as you can to get down there and do save it…
You might be a target if…
Kate Adie Let’s take a moment to talk about "the war"… or rather, the fairly odd panic sweeping the nation in the wake of the coming conflict. Now, we have talked a little bit about this before so I won’t spend too much time covering the old ground. I have found it fairly interesting to…