• Archives format changed…

    Archives format changed…

    I changed the format of the [[archives]] page… [[let me know]] what you think!

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  • Don’t make me go Macro on your a__…

    I made some more back-end changes here, but these you might actually be able to see. I am laying the groundwork for an experimental [[content management|CMS]] of my own for use in our projects. I am a long way from having time to implement it, but I have been having some good luck prototyping some…

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  • We hatesssssss them…

    We hatesssssss them…

    Today is Kimiko’s birthday (Thursday), and among other happy events we went to eat Wed and off to a movie. We wound up seeing The Two Towers because we’re just geeky like that. Sadly Tatsumi didn’t attend so she could schmooze her parents during a TT trip of their own but it didn’t pan out.…

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  • Added some database stuff…

    Added some database stuff…

    What’s up? Well, I’ve been working hard on some technical stuff. Tonight I took some time to get a handle on a nagging database problem that has been causing me fits, the result is the cool and happening stuff on the side of the weblog.soulhuntre.com page that tells you what I am reading and so…

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  • Cool comics, cute chicks and moral outrage…

    Cool comics, cute chicks and moral outrage…

    Ok… I have to get some work done, and that means clearing out some of my open browser windows. I’m going to keep this fairly short and sweet. Just go check the links. There are some good web comics out there: Her – Girl vs. Pig : [ latest ] [ archives ] [ random…

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  • Did zig instead of zag? Nah…

    Did zig instead of zag? Nah…

    First things first: Shout out to Tatsumi! She has a birthday tomorrow and I just want everyone to know that her Daddy is really proud of how well she has been doing at school! 🙂 Did you ever have the feeling you might be in the wrong business? Sometimes I do. While I sure do…

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  • New designs, hot chicks…

    New designs, hot chicks…

    Some more of my links… aren’t you happy to see what I clutter my life with? CNN.com Specials – reader proposals for new WTC designs. Hundreds of them, some good and some bad. Amazing. USATODAY.com – Video game college is ‘boot camp’ for designers Metafilter What happens when DNA proves you’re not the father of…

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  • Links you shouldn’t miss… wisdom and humor!

    Links you shouldn’t miss… wisdom and humor!

    E2 is this totally astonishing place, you really need to go check it out. In any case, here are a few of the nodes over there and a small excerpt from the write-ups you will find for each one. Go ahead! Read them all… trust me, I have a Pineapple. Britney Spears rocks your socks…

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  • Singin ‘da blues

    Singin ‘da blues

    Note: if you don’t like angst or horror. If you don’t want to hear me freak out… then don’t read this one. Come back in a day or two and it should be back to humor and satire… or you’ll get a server not found error. Either way, this isn’t pretty. A wise man once…

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