Everything old… yadda, yadda, yada…
As you can see, there have been a few changes here. I am in the process of converting from "soulhuntre.com" only to "The Soulhuntre Network". The first segment of that is this… weblog.soulhuntre.com. It’s an easier to load page format, easy to remember and easy to link to. There is much seriously cool vodoo going…
There IS a god…
Ok, so things are going OK! This is a long entry, but I don’t think you’ll mind. I know it’s been a while since you’ve heard from me. Sorry about that, but obviously this is a pretty crazy time for us. Let me lead off with the coolest thing to be seen as a headline…
OK… this entry is an open call for opinions! Take a look at this image and let me know if you think our girl looks like or reminds you at all of Fairchild from Gen13 [image1] [image2]. Thanks!
How’s it going?
I am working like a dog, that’s how it is going 🙂 Seriously, things have been working for us fairly well, but busy. Client S has been shipping a fair amount of work my way – to the tune of 60 hours a week or so … it is paying the bills but it is…
To all the ships at sea…
Hello there, another day dawns and it all seems to be going OK in it’s own way. Tatsumi is at her folks now, and will be there for a while – hopefully a little while but that sort of seems to depend on how things go with several elements of (my) Plan. You heard that…
Thoughts before combat…
Off to the dojo, feeling OK… but I have a ‘shout out’… "Wait and see…" Oh man, someone needs to have their ass thoroughly kicked. Now where did I put the toothpaste? 😉
Steampunk Thoughts…
Steampunk is an interesting genre – most often classified as "What would the past be like if the future had happened sooner?". Think Babbage meets The Matrix. Anyway – because I need to keep them here is a current dusting of links I have open on the topic: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Steven Wu’s…
Horoscope time…
Today it reads… LIBRA: You may feel inclined to show others how caring you are by doing little things that help co-workers and associates. The thing is that your actions may not be completely aligned with your heart, yet you feel the need act anyway. This can result in unexpressed anger, pouting or even passively…