• It takes Tyr to Tango…

    It takes Tyr to Tango…

    So, after a few days of nothing written here it now seems that I have a lot to say. I can’t really manage to squish it all into this entry, so it looks like you’ll be getting it in stages. It’s been a fairly weird couple of days, obviously as you know some of my…

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  • Fast note…

    Fast note…

    Good luck to Tastumi @ work! Daddy loves ya!

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  • Post speech sleep…

    Post speech sleep…

    It all went well at TES. I’ll say more about it later. Night!

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  • Professor Soulhuntre…

    Professor Soulhuntre…

    Ack! Why do people keep taking me seriously? 🙂 OK… I am off to TES to present a lecture on my essay regarding punishment and training and so on. If your around, come on over to 24 Bond St. around 8:00pm in NYC. Later! p.s. I have the rent money!

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  • Duke, you were always a Prince…

    Duke, you were always a Prince…

    As I was doing some research, I came across this famous passage. I don’t have the time now to discuss "The Prince" in any detail with you (a future essay?) but I’ll leave with this passage. It is both true and untrue… but that is the way of such things. ‘"Concerning Cruelty and Clemency, and…

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  • Out with a BANG…

    Out with a BANG…

    Life is rough out there… check out these internal emails and memo’s: F*ckedCompany.com : To Genuity employees F*ckedCompany.com : To Worldcom employees F*ckedCompany.com : To SBC/Prodigy employees And the most amusing resignation note in a LONG time… FuckedCompany.com : To PwC employees – “Kiss my ass…”

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  • Old words, new thoughts…

    Old words, new thoughts…

    Some thoughts that seem relevant to the moment… please note that I have added some references and definitions in the extended portion of this entry. I do not claim to be an expert on these words, those I intend to become much more familiar with them in an academic way; though I do have a…

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  • Snowfall…


    Way tired. Going to go back to sleep before I head out to the Dojo this evening… then off to the office to work. This is a weird place for me… as my mind begins to remember how all ‘this’ feels, the feeling of my own intuition and power feels like a machine booting up.…

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  • Zero to the beyond in seconds flat…

    Zero to the beyond in seconds flat…

    Right around 10 seconds. If I’m right, and it is always possible my perceptions were even then faulty, it took PC about 10 seconds to pass on. We had been in the room about 15 minutes or so, waiting for a mild sedative to take effect to calm him, Tatsumi, Kimiko and I… all sniffling,…

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