• Ooooo, I’m an Angel…

    Ooooo, I’m an Angel…

    The lead story today is that we sent out our first "Angel" investor email. We are using a lingerie like image to allude to a successful ‘angel’ campaign by a famous company. We are obviously hoping for a response… just about any response. Go ahead and follow the MORE link if there is one to…

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  • Macromedia stuff…

    Macromedia stuff…

    As you know, I love the Macromedia tools… so when things happen I care. Here are some short items you might care about. They are also listed over at Hyper-3D. As you might not know Adobe has been involved in a lawsuit with Macromedia over certain aspects of the Flash MX user interface. There has…

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  • An evil plan…

    An evil plan…

    Here it is, my very own evil plan. You can have one to – go check out the handy evil plan generator! It could make more sense, but why mess with greatness?   Congratulations on being the creator of a new Evil Plan ™! Your objective is simple: Soul Accumulation. Your motive is a little…

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  • Just a lie…

    Just a lie…

    Ok, so my music jag is still on. I have been really, really digging this John Mayer thing, so much so that I think I’ll waste some of your time here 🙂 I’ve included the full lyrics to this song here (you might have to take a ‘more’ link) but for the moment I will…

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  • Take my ears, please…

    Take my ears, please…

    Oh, by the way – if your wondering what I am listening too these days? Here are the new ones… John Mayers: Room for Squares. This is a great album from what I can tell and I think this guy will be good for me. Get a jump on everyone else and hook it up.…

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  • Thoughts on my return…

    Thoughts on my return…

    So wassup? Well lots… but I lost the entry I was going to post so you’re just plain out of luck finding out what it is. General speaking life is going OK. I am back to getting too little sleep and doing too much work. The ‘big news’ is that Tatsumi might be moving home…

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  • pins and needles…

    pins and needles…

    Fast one. I am tired. Lot’s happening. We are still waiting to hear back from Client Y, it’s driving us nuts 🙂 I’ll clue you in more tomorrow or so. In the meantime I have been learning some more cool stuff. Enjoy my latest work! Night!

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  • How much sex I have. Film at 11… NOT

    How much sex I have. Film at 11… NOT

    Warning: This post is funny, but very, very sarcastic. Enter at your own risk and with a tongue in your cheek. Let’s talk about sex. Specifically, let’s talk about me and sex. More specifically, let’s talk about how much of it I have. Apparently there is a fair amount of interested in how much time…

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  • Renders and stress… whew!

    Renders and stress… whew!

    Wow… busy few days. It’s getting crazy out there! This will be a little scattered as usual. I have been putting a lot of time into Hyper-3D.com, getting it off the ground and making sure the code is working the way it is supposed to. Now that it is there, I need to promote the…

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