• so – what’s been happening?

    so – what’s been happening?

    so – what’s been happening? I wanted to take a moment and let you all know that things are doing just fine here. Heres a short selection, I am way to tired to link it all. I almost went to the Britney concert at the local arena, but at the last minute reason prevailed I…

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  •  Panic rules…

     Panic rules…

    What a nightmare. Nothing like panicked “informants” and bad search warrants. Two great tastes that go great together.   From the Des Moines Register: Age is an issue in trial on porn photos Ex-principal, according to testimony, admitted viewing the sex sites. By APRIL GOODWIN Register Staff Writer 11/20/2001 Adel, Ia. – A Perry police detective…

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  • another entry – figured I’d finish a thought or two

    another entry – figured I’d finish a thought or two

    another entry – figured I’d finish a thought or two So I have been up for a while tonight, working and surfing. I felt like I should take a moment and give you an idea of what’s out there if you can’t/won’t sleep. I am going to try and avoid the bullet list format this…

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  • That’s it for now. I need to sleep.

    That’s it for now. I need to sleep.

    So let me take a few and let you know what’s been happening. It’s been a really busy time period for us here, and that’s always good and bad. We have been working on coming up to speed on the Client Y project. It’s going fairly well I think and I am pretty happy with…

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  • still alive – really  

    still alive – really  

    still alive – really   Some quickies: Client Y shook hands on our deal. That’s 6 months of 3D animation work and web development. That is a crucial contract for us and I am really looking forward to digging into it. Flagg is almost ready to move. As 8:00 AM the moving truck rolls out of…

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  • bark bark – workin’ like a dog

    bark bark – workin’ like a dog I am working hard on the project for Client X. it is a Director application with like 1 million little details to handle. This is annoying but I am still learning a bunch with it so that’s cool. The problem is the deadline. I have a meeting with…

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  • by the way – this is cool…

    by the way – this is cool…

    by the way – this is cool… "To make it all happen, Weta, a somewhat obscure, production, postproduction and visual effects house, which has previously created such films as Heavenly Creatures and The Frighteners, would have to build a state-of-the-art facility from the ground up to rival anything in Hollywood and import hundreds of digital…

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  • sleep comes quickly – when you haven’t done much of it

    sleep comes quickly – when you haven’t done much of it

    sleep comes quickly – when you haven’t done much of it BOO! Been working hard on my Director skills and I really think I have this stuff nailed now. There are some really cool aspects to the system that I really like. This is all geared towards the project we are putting together for ClientX…

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  • hey all! – I am alive…  

    hey all! – I am alive…  

    hey all! – I am alive…   I have been working pretty hard but I did get a chance to play a little, if you can call it that. I have been working pretty hard on my 3D skills as well as ramping up big-time on the multimedia work for Client X. You can see my…

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