• it rains and pours – I’m all wet!

    it rains and pours – I’m all wet!




    it rains and pours – I’m all wet! Ok… I have got to sleep. I just wanted to say hello and let you know when it rains, it does drip down your neck. Unexpectedly today we got to bid on a project for Client X. We also got to talk to another potential client about…

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  • under the gun – coming out swinging

    under the gun – coming out swinging




    under the gun – coming out swinging Ok… so here we are. The 11th. On the 17th it all get rolling … or not. In any case, we have worked out many of the important issues for our investor presentation and that is good. A fantastic designer we know is going to help us with…

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  • string me – like a salami

    string me – like a salami




    string me – like a salami Ok… lot’s to do. Just saying hi to everyone and give you all some interesting sites to look at while I slave away. PuppetMaster is an odd mix of online survivor and a weird version of a spy novel. Just go look. The cool site of the guy who…

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  • much sleep – lot’s to do tomorrow

    much sleep – lot’s to do tomorrow




    much sleep – lot’s to do tomorrow Bullet list time for events of the day…. I got my RC1 code! Yup. The full Windows XP release. This is a good thing and could not happen at a better time. I had a small bug with the beta I was running – and it seems that…

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  • So one would hope this would be completely good news…

    So one would hope this would be completely good news…




    scary/wonderful – how good things can sometimes freak out good people Well, anyone who has been watching this blog and those of the people close to me know that there has been a lot of stress. The Internet economy is doing pretty poorly, and investment funds had dried up a long time ago in this…

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  • let’s play – catch up

    let’s play – catch up




    let’s play – catch up A quick entry, just to keep you all up to date. I know your lives wouldn’t be complete without the details ๐Ÿ™‚ We had a nice evening Saturday with Tatsumi house-sitting. We got a chance to relax and watch a movie or two A very cool thing… let me drop…

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  • off to see – well, Tatsumi!

    off to see – well, Tatsumi!




    off to see – well, Tatsumi! Kimiko and I are on our way to go hang out with Tatsumi tonight. We are going to help her house sit at her folks place. A few DVD’s, some instant popcorn and a hot tub. Life is good! I’ll be back at the grind all day tomorrow, and…

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  • I was almost asleep – I promise

    I was almost asleep – I promise




    I was almost asleep – I promise But then this caught my eye over at Geeks With Guns. "Let me repeat that: Barbara Graham used a gun to paralyze an innocent man, is pleading for leniency from the courts for her actions, and she is an activist involved in demanding that firearm possession be more…

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  • short day – long night

    short day – long night




    short day – long night Ok, went to the dojo and then to the gym! Yeah! I haven’t been there in a few weeks and it felt good. I am going to sleep early, we have plans this weekend to go house-sit with Tatsumi. I’ll post again when I get up. Till then, my cat…

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