I did it – xp me baby!
I did it – xp me baby! I blew my system away again and put in WindowsXP (one of the beta’s) and I must tell you I am incredibly happy with it so far. It’s an odd looking OS that sort of has a Mac look and feel to it but overall I am very…
long day – and it’s still early!
long day – and it’s still early! Sheesh. I am tired. Tatsumi was here this morning, went on an interview. Now she is home sleeping and I am doing the same. I have to go teach tonight at the dojo. I know, WebLint isn’t working… I’ll fix it tonight ๐
money money money – well, a little of it anyway
money money money – well, a little of it anyway I got a call at 11:30 am today that offered me a few days work. So faster than a homeless guy jumping into a pickup to make whiskey money I got my act together and headed out the door. With any luck I’ll get to…
hello – I have not been killed
hello – I have not been killed It’s been crazy over here. Many irons in the fire, but I have not forgotten you dear reader. I have been working, striving to create and I have done so. Behold! Dream Scapes! A adult pay site with class and some incredible photography – not to mention all…
good words – and oh so true
good words – and oh so true Seen on Slashdot… "Give a man a fish, he owes you one fish. Teach a man to fish, you give up your monopoly on fisheries."
well, I did it – reminisce with me
well, I did it – reminisce with me I got an AIM message from someone i have known for a long time tonight. it was great to hear from her … she hadn’t been reading my blog. I know, sacrilege for sure! In any case, I gave her the link… and then she wanted me…
this is pretty cool – I love this guy
this is pretty cool – I love this guy Rocket Guy Getting ready for class. Talk to you all later!
some fast stuff – before I slip into a coma
I went to the Statue of Liberty today. Pretty cool stuff. I went with my Mom and the girls. I did get sunburned though – I don’t mind telling you that sucks. Spent some time at Flagg’s tonight as well… talked about a bunch of stuff. It was a good night with good folks. My…