Pleas can’t reverse ban on
Pleas can’t reverse ban on graduation More stupidity in the “zero tolerance” world. An honor student drops a steak knife in her car while moving – and is now banned from graduation. Idiocy.
Libertyboard.org Libertarian news and information
Libertyboard.org Libertarian news and information – some good stuff here, some wierdness.
long day – some cool stuff
long day – some cool stuff Well, it was a long day. hell, a long weekend. I am not sure why – I just didn’t get as much done as I wanted too. But that is par for the course. Events of note for the weekend: I saw The Sixth Day on DVD and it…
Apple Computer and the Church
Apple Computer and the Church of Satan Apple is not happy that Satan is “Made with Machintosh” – very amusing.
NATIONAL POST ONLINE | Search Results | Story “…Single men in their late thirties…”
Sequential Tart: Bizarre Breasts –
Sequential Tart: Bizarre Breasts – Bad Girls Revisited Chapter Three: The Point (vol IV/iss 4/April 2001) Some really bitter stuff about some pretty cute comic chicks…
BW Online | June 4,
BW Online | June 4, 2001 | Microsoft: How It Became Stronger Than Ever A pretty good look at what’s going on….