Book Reviews: Actionscript: The Definitive
Book Reviews: Actionscript: The Definitive Guide A review – and a long slashdot style argument about whether flash is good or not.
a fast note – I am not sure if I will be updating later
a fast note – I am not sure if I will be updating later I am tired. Soon, I will sleep and it will be good. I have been sort of chilling out today, relaxing and looking around. I have been becoming more and more interested in the 3-D stuff of late though I am…
you know – like you do
There I was, harsh light and cold tile… my face a grimace as cold eyes stared into my open mouth. A hard metal file began to rasp as little bits of my tooth began to fall away. Hopefully this would fix it. If not… things were going to get drastic… Now the rest of…
*sigh* – so much to say, so little time
*sigh* – so much to say, so little time But I want it to be right – and it might even be funny – so I will delay it till I have time to write. Suffice to say it involves pain (mine) and blood. In any case. I feel mostly OK. Client X will be…
Seanbaby’s Super Friends Page – Green Lantern
Seanbaby’s Super Friends Page – Green Lantern “…Serious Fact: I keep a white board by my VCR, and marked down every time Green Lantern’s powers worked against yellow. Out of 30 episodes where Green Lantern appeared, his powers worked against the color yellow 24 times. In fact, in 3 episodes, the stuff he made was…
daily wrap up – not to shabby
daily wrap up – not to shabby Well, I slept a lot today… I am recovering though I think I will need another full day. I should be all set by Thursday. I didn;t go to Client X today – I just couldn’t get up to do it. On the other hand, we did find…