XPLANATiONS: How XPLANATiONS work (Case studies) | XPLANE “…XPLANATiONS are visual roadmaps that help people fully understand complex business issues. When people understand something, they are more “comfortable to buy,” whether it’s a complex product, change initiative, new process, or even an entire company they’re buying…”
Stuart Gluth: Roxane: A Study
Stuart Gluth: Roxane: A Study in Visual Factors Affecting Legibility “…Roxane is an original typeface designed by the author in response to a design analysis of visual attributes that enhance the legibility of font characteristics. The author takes issue with scientific legibility studies which focus on isolating variables to obtain verifiable results, but which are…
Seven Secrets to Good Brainstorming
Seven Secrets to Good Brainstorming “…On any given day, multiple brainstorming sessions may spawn hundreds of ideas and burn through just as many chocolate-chip cookies, the preferred fuel of world-class idea mongers. Indeed, collective idea generation is so important at Ideo that a staffer caught trying to noodle a problem alone at his desk may…
Elevator pitch: What we can
Elevator pitch: What we can do for you – quickly | XPLANE This is a great example of a short company description…
xBlog: Visual thinking linking |
xBlog: Visual thinking linking | XPLANE What looks like a great blog with news about design and usability…
UIWEB.COM – Critical thinking in
UIWEB.COM – Critical thinking in web and interface design “…The most common failure of development projects is the inability to correctly define the problem. If the goal is vague, it’s impossible to know whether it’s been solved it or not. And even if the goal is well defined, it may be the wrong goal for…
Critical thinking in web/interface design
Critical thinking in web/interface design part 2: idea generation “…(note: this is part 2 of the 3 part series on critical thinking in design. Part 1 covered planning, and part 3 will cover project management. Some of the material in this issue is derived from the CHI 2001 tutorial I presented last month entitled “how…
OMM: Welcome Back Message Old
OMM: Welcome Back Message Old Man Murray is back! “……before me was a throne…and the One who sat there had the appearance of jasper…From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings, and peals of thunder…Around the throne were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back…Day and night they…