• Whee! – look ma, I’m helping…

    Whee! – look ma, I’m helping…




    Whee! – look ma, I’m helping… Contracts are good. Money is good. Experience is good. Meeting new people is cool. The day to day reality of work sucks ass. That being said, things are going well with Client X. The work is interesting and we are managing to establish a working relationship we can all…

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  • like so many nice ideas – drowning in stupidity

    like so many nice ideas – drowning in stupidity




    like so many nice ideas – drowning in stupidity Let’s talk about this silliness on MTV. FightForYourRights.MTV.com is the website of course. However, on the actual channel is a completely boring screen of text – a lot like the "learn to read" programs on in the early morning that have Famous Amos on them. In…

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  • Girls of ‘64 – Preserving

    Girls of ‘64 – Preserving




    Girls of ’64 – Preserving the sexy side of the C= Way cool ๐Ÿ™‚

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  • Dr Karl’s Homework Index Ice

    Dr Karl’s Homework Index Ice




    Dr Karl’s Homework Index Ice Cream Headaches and Peeing Off Buildings…. “Welcome to Homework, a chance for Karl to revisit some of his trickiest talk-back queries and set the record straight. Karl isn’t right all the time (remember, only God’s perfect). But he often is. You can hear Karl’s Homework throughout the week on triple…

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  • Ed Cushman — Home page

    Ed Cushman — Home page




    Ed Cushman — Home page “You might wonder what is Ed Cushman involved in that could possibly be of interest to the rest of the world? Perhaps it is my small collection (yes there are larger) of Ampex video recorders called 2-inch Quad Machines. I think a bit of history is appropriate here as 1996…

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  • Win a Shower with Jesus

    Win a Shower with Jesus




    Win a Shower with Jesus “Young women interested in sharing a shower with Jesus can now have their dream come true. Not only will you make a new friend, but you will be supporting good hygiene and benefiting the environment by conserving water. No strings attached except that a picture of us, suitable for family…

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  • Interview with Sci-Fi Writer Bruce

    Interview with Sci-Fi Writer Bruce




    Interview with Sci-Fi Writer Bruce Sterling “Sterling: Because I think boredom is one of the great massive stabilizing forces of the universe. It’s like gravity. I think, What would happen if I could turn my IQ up to 450? I would be a completely different kind of entity. I would understand things much more thoroughly,…

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  • Dodge ball – I need a bigger garage

    Dodge ball – I need a bigger garage




    Dodge ball – I need a bigger garage Well, I won’t spend a lot of time on this – but I couldn’t just let this go by. Dodge has managed to put out three amazing vehicles, two of them concept cars.  Go… look… drool. The third edition of the Dodge Viper: "So when it came…

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  • Autoshow: Super8 Hemi “”The concept’s

    Autoshow: Super8 Hemi “”The concept’s




    Autoshow: Super8 Hemi “”The concept’s bold, in-your-face design shows our ability to embrace our love for the sedan and meld it with invigorating execution and technological advancement,” added Thomas, who oversaw the design for the Dodge Super8 Hemi. “With its distinctive tall stance, Hemi powertrain and telematics applications throughout, the Super8 symbolizes everything we loved…

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