Doctor, it hurts when I… actually, it just hurts…
For those curious about my life – it was a long night at the Dojo. Serious increase in the workout and I am under the gun again to get stronger faster. I am Soulhuntres’ aching bicep. Ah well… I will rise to the occasion as always.
Windows Vista (build 5308) initial thoughts…
Windows Vista… and so it begins. I put in a brand new HD tonight, plugged it into the SATA controller on my MB (that’s 4 IDE controllers, BTW) and fired up the install. I had carefully unplugged all my other drives, so no problems there. Initial thoughts… This is the Feb 2006 CTP – build…
Of railguns and chicken…
I know, I know. I have not posted very much of late. I have been very busy and I keep thinking “tonight, I’ll do my first audio post and that will make it all better”. Additionally the creation of Web/Lint has allowed me to make my “hit and run” link posts without cluttering this blog…
Put the DVD down and walk away…
I came this close to trying to switch full time to Microsoft Windows Vista. I will be holding off. It’s a long story, suffice to say that a defective Maxtor HD is at the heart of it.
Solving an IIS security issue…
I was installing some stuff for a client under ASP.NET 2.0 and IIS in Windows Server 2003. The installation was going fine though it is much more complicated than it needs to be. There is such a thing as an installer and a wizard and WordPress can do a 5 minute install, come on…
Somtimes, you just have to…
I always told myself one of the cooler things about having a laptop is the ability to use it from anywhere. Now that I blog, it has always seemed like an even more useful ability. ed note: the above was posted from my bathroom.