• .Net – issues using uniqieidentifier as a primary key in VS2005

    .Net – issues using uniqieidentifier as a primary key in VS2005




    Ok. First Visual Studio 2005 bug, complete with my work around. Now, this bug is apparently known and a few semi-workarounds exist but they all have issues not the least of which is hand editing of my nice shiny new generated code and other crap. The problem: It seems that Visual Studio will totally fail…

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  • …but good whores like me understand…

    …but good whores like me understand…




    Max Hardcore – a man who certainly seams to have a way with women ๐Ÿ™‚ “Well Max, in my opinion, every whore needs to take a turn with you. To get broken in. I still remember when I did my first scene with you…afterwards I said I will not do this porn thing again. Turns out…

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  • Atlas joy…

    Atlas joy…




    Some Atlas coolness… ASP.NET Developer Center Installing the ASP.NET ‘Atlas’ Web Site Template ASP.NET Developer Center Installing the Hands-on Lab ASP.NET ‘Atlas’ Web Site Template ASP.NET Developer Center ASP.NET Atlas Wiki

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  • .NET resources… come in, the water is fine…

    .NET resources… come in, the water is fine…




    I have been diving into ASP.NET pretty heavily since the 2.0 release… and it is so, so tasty. Here are some more links for my own safe-keeping. What Is DotNetNuke ASP.NET – Starter Kits SQL Server 2005 XQuery and XML-DML – Part 1 CodeSmith Tools Home Visual Studio 2005 Web Deployment Projects (Beta Preview) VS…

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  • I had a dream…

    I had a dream…




    A while back, I had a super secret project. The idea was to use RSS to transport real data – server uptimes and so on. Your server would run a small app that added this data as entries in a sort of virtual “blog” and you would read it via RSS. Also, I would product…

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  • Some Sound Advice about Hosting and Support

    Some Sound Advice about Hosting and Support




    Kiyotito Leverette’s WebLog : Some Sound Advice about Hosting and Support – “This article will show how effective support can be provided even with limited resources . Many of the ideas and points in this article will help all those who are presently stuck running their businesses from their homes to foray into this business in…

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  • Why aren't idiots rioting?

    Why aren't idiots rioting?




    Sometimes, you wonder what peopel are thinking. The rioting in France is stupid, pointless, doomed to fail and a sign of a deeply and inherantly flawed social system. A social system that peopel like the ones quoted below are constantly trying to re-create in the US. These peopel point at all the failed economies and…

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  • …but weโ€™re not going to sit by and let them rewrite history

    …but weโ€™re not going to sit by and let them rewrite history




    Dick Cheney kicks some ass: What we’re hearing now is some politicians contradicting their own statements and making a play for political advantage in the middle of a war. The saddest part is that our people in uniform have been subjected to these cynical and pernicious falsehoods day in and day out. American soldiers and…

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  • Holla Back New York City – Street Harassment is not OK

    Holla Back New York City – Street Harassment is not OK




    You know the sheer insanity of some of the more self absorbed elements in the feminist movement is pretty amusing. Not only do they now feel they have the ethical right to post pictures and commentary on strangers (a right they freak out about if men do it) but they also get to wallow in how…

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