• Music on the go…

    Music on the go…




    I have been really enjoying the Napster to Go program. A reasonable price (under $20) and Kimiko and I can fill her Dell DJ up to the brim with music. I don’t have to try and find good MP3’s from odd sources or rip the music from my own discs. it’s good. The only problem…

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  • I don’t mean to be cruel…

    I don’t mean to be cruel…




    I was contacted a few days ago via the comment system for a second time by James H. Graf, the man who is under the impression he is the target of a world spanning conspiracy.  I figure I’ll respond here, in a separate post as I am unsure if everyone reads the comments. James took…

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  • Apple:  Zealotry Inside…

    Apple: Zealotry Inside…




    John Kheit obviously has no worries about stirring up hornets nests. Remember a few days ago when Apple announced the switch to Intel? The thing is, up until literally hours before that the PPC processor was clearly the one true way, spouting off about how much faster it is (it wasn’t) and how much better…

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  • Sit on it…

    Sit on it…




    "How long did the Monk believe these things? Well, as far as the Monk was concerned, forever. The faith which moves mountains, or at least believes  them  against  all the  available  evidence  to  be  pink, was a solid and abiding faith, a great rock against which the world could hurl whatever it would, yet it…

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  • From the peanut gallery…

    From the peanut gallery…




    You know, this thing of having comments turned on is cool. I just picked up a comment from this guy about my calling his website insane in this post. I wonder why I might have done that? Too funny. Some more quotes below the fold. "Break-ins of my apartment, moreover, have occurred frequently for many…

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  • Lots of great “power user” info…

    Lots of great “power user” info…




    Let’s round up some cool technical links I have come across: There’s lots of good stuff here, so check it all out and expand the post ๐Ÿ™‚ Highlighted: I have to say that Microsoft’s "start.com" is one of the coolest things I have seen in a while. If you want, you can take a quick…

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  • Be careful out there…

    Be careful out there…




    From a Tucker Max posting… Some lessons in life are expensive to learn and some are cheap. All things considered, I learned what could have been a very expensive lesson for real cheap this weekend. From this day forward, I am instituting two brand new, rock solid Tucker Max rules: I will not meet a…

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  • The freedom to be anti-freedom? Yeah, that too.

    The freedom to be anti-freedom? Yeah, that too.




    "Donโ€™t be afraid…we have a legal permit…come and join us…donโ€™t be afraid to speak out…This is not like the countries back at home where you raise your voice against the government and they take you in for torture. No…this is one of the loopholes of this government. We have the right to put this flag…

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  • No more blondes? A modest proposal…

    No more blondes? A modest proposal…




    No more? There is a BBC article with the provocative headline that blondes are to “die out in 200 years“. Obviously this is an issue of some concern for a few of us because, well, a lot of blondes are just plain hot! The cause of this possible disaster? The speculation is that since carrying…

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