• Sirens of T.I.

    This is EXACTLY as it came out of the D90. Shot at dusk from about 35 feet away using the fantastic 18-200 kit zoom lens all the way in at 200mm. It was pretty crowded but the Manfrotto monopod let me hold it pretty steady. Yes, the audio looks out of sync because the girls…

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  • Oh Noes! A one legged pirate stole that slave…

    Oh Noes! A one legged pirate stole that slave…

    Oh Noes! A one legged pirate stole that slave heart I was saving for a special occasion… If I were a political animal this would be an entirely different blog post. I’m not, so it isn’t. If I were a better ally, I might check with folks before I posted this and see if there…

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  • The only constant is change…

    The only constant is change…

    One of the constant joys in my life are the people I have in it. Flagg recently mentioned how interesting it is to realize how careful we are with those we surround ourselves with, and that is very true. I am tied to those in my life by a web of obligation, love and fierce…

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  • Something for later: on the topic of Fealty

    Something for later: on the topic of Fealty

    This concept has been with humanity almost our entire history… particularly our fiction. Here from the Lord of the Rings… Pippin: "Here do I swear fealty and service to Gondor. In peace or war. In living or dying. Fr… from… from… from this hour henceforth, until my lord release me, or death… take me." The…

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  • Good Enough is the Enemy of Best

    Good Enough is the Enemy of Best

    “Good enough is the enemy of best.” – me, sorta In a letter I wrote to my peers earlier (long story, and you will get it soon enough) I used this phrase to express a simple sentiment – that sometimes it is easy to hang onto  a situation you have and sacrifice what you want.…

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  • The Catechism: Protocol reboot…

    The Catechism: Protocol reboot…

    I just put this up today at my protocol experiment site / wiki. Let me know what you think…   A catechism can be defined in many ways, but one of the most useful is as "a exposition or statement of doctrine". In short, a catchism is a shorthand to express the core of a…

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  • The Catechism: Protocol reboot…

    The Catechism: Protocol reboot…

    I just put this up today at my protocol experiment site / wiki. Let me know what you think…   A catechism can be defined in many ways, but one of the most useful is as "a exposition or statement of doctrine". In short, a catchism is a shorthand to express the core of a…

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  • Jay Weisman, you are a lousy human being.

    Jay Weisman, you are a lousy human being.

    In Philadelphia someone close to a good friend of mine has died in a horrible accident. You would think that such a incident would make everyone take a moment and step back. You would think that no one would try and use this sort of thing to further their own agenda, sell some books or…

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  • 3 words.

    3 words.

    One of the best things about twitter is the constant stream of ideas that flow by. Now only do I keep up with friends and so on, but I follow an extended network of folks I find interesting. As of this moment I follow some 116 people* but I am still looking for others. In…

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